Hi All -
How do I stop messages from popping up in the middle of a fight? A typical message says something like "Your health is low. Use a potion."
Any help stopping these from appearing all the time would be appreciated!
Hi All -
How do I stop messages from popping up in the middle of a fight? A typical message says something like "Your health is low. Use a potion."
Any help stopping these from appearing all the time would be appreciated!
Are you using mods? I've never seen these messages.
Those usually happen only once at the start of a new game. What mods do you have?
In Skyrim.ini, modify the line:
from 1 to 0.
You've never seen the message about your weapon not having a charge? I hate that you have to enchant to name a weapon as I don't like enchantments or their visual effects yet if you let them run out then you continually get that message...it's a lose-lose for me so I don't name weapons any more.
Nope. I rarely use magical weapons and have never let one run out of charges.
It's annoying as it never stops appearing as long as your weapon is empty as if you're not aware of it. It's annoying how they have those messages, another one is it will tell you "open skills to level up" if you don't level up immediately....I'm waiting to train dammit.
Ah, you're talking about the mentions that appear up left of the screen? If this is what the op asks, there is another line that can be changed in the Skyrim.ini. I must do some searches because I don't remember what it's called right now.
By the way, the best way to get rid of them is to disable the HUD...
Try this: add this line
in the Skyrim.ini, [Interface]. I haven't tried it; I play without the hud so I never see these messages.
I've tried to turn off the HUD as I don't like seeing the compass and energy bars pop up yet I can't do without the crosshair for archery or magic, it's such a pain to try and pull off a far shot by compensating for movement and arrow drop without a crosshair for a guide.
I've been playing like this for months, probably more than a year. You get used to it; after a while you manage to put an arrow exactly where you wanted it to be.