Thanks for the quick reply.
I corrected the movement/looking problem, it was a simple error on my part.
I'm experimenting with various variables to get the rest of the controls to work though. So far, here are the actions for the specific buttons:
A - Sneak
B - Jump
Y - ?
*X - Sheath/Unsheath weapon
Back - Cast
Start - Grab
Right Bumper - Change views
Left Bumper - the stats, quests, ect. menu
Left anolog button - Block
Right anolog button - Attack
*X is the only correct button lol
If I set the ini to all zeros, the movement and looking does not work, but this layout worked:
;X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3, XRot = 4, YRot = 5, ZRot = 6
My MK layout is this:
X axis - = A
X axis + = D
Y axis - = W
Y axis + = S
Z axis - = Mouse left click
Z axis + = Mouse Right click
X rotation - = Mouse_Move_X_neg
X rotation + = Mouse_Move_X_pos
Y rotation - = Mouse_Move_Y_neg
Y rotation + = Mouse_Move_Y_pos
Button 0 = Space
Button 1 = Tab
Button 2 = F
Button 3 = E
Button 4 = Shift
Button 5 = C
Button 6 = T
Button 7 = Escape
Button 8 = Control
Button 9 = R
DeadZone = 20
Max Value =
Threshold = 50
*check* Auto Repeat all keys
Everthing on the right is "off"
Sorry I don't know how to take a screenshot of the application window.
The fact that I can actually move is progress.