There are so many ways I can answer this question Sir. Being into Adrianne in oh so many ways.
I will go with option (f) for the time being, then maybe later option (p) depending on how this thread goes.
If I were a novice looking for a mentor for my smithing. Someone from whom to learn.
I would be looking at someone approachable, pleasant and knowledgeable who is not going to compete with me nor castigate me for making mistakes.
That would be Adrianne Avenicci. As she demonstrated during the....
Now attempt to apply that same criteria to Eorlund Gray-mane. As your potential mentor or tutor.
It doesn't work. He goes off at my character like a flipping bottle of pop just for looking at his blinking Skyforge.
Adrianne Avenicci has the finest set of bellows in all of Skyrim.
That was option (p) by the way Sir.
(clears throat)