How good are max alchemy potions/poisons?

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:41 am

Alchemy takes a long time to level up in this game, but I am thinking about going on an alchemy spree to level it up a lot.

If you have 100 in alchemy and get all the perks, what kind of potions/poisons can you make? How powerful are they?

- For instance, how much damage will a damage health poison do? How about the lingering and ravage health poisons?
- How much damage will the damage magicka and damage stamina poisons do?
- How much will restore health, restore magicka, and restore stamina actually restore?
- How much can you fortify a skill or magicka?
- How long will invisibility potions last?
- How powerful will the resist potions be?
- How good are the regen potions?
- What level do frenzy poisons affect?
- How good are 'weakness to' poisons?

Assume that I am not going to do the enchanting-alchemy thing to further increase my potions.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:48 am

So you want to invest in Alchemy, do you. Well you had better make it your master, because your prime boss killer is going to be the poison of slow up until level 80. Once you hit that and can see at least 3 effects in your ingredients, you will immediately begin making potions worth more and more money. And because they are worth more they will count more towards leveling up faster. Invisibility, paralysis, lingering poison, fortify skills, and ravage ( I have no idea what this does ) will become available to you. That doesn't mean that you can depend on poisons only and not spend perks in your chosen weapons.

- For instance, how much damage will a damage health poison do? How about the lingering and ravage health poisons?

Unassisted by enchantments, you can make a lingering poison 15 damage for 10 seconds or an instant poison for the a little less than that amount. But hit them with a 30% weakness to poison poison and it gets worse for your enemy. This is on top of your weapon damage. Ravage health is weak - 35 to 40 points. But I'm at level 98 Alchemy.

- How much damage will the damage magicka and damage stamina poisons do?

There's lingering damage and instant damage. I don't know the strengths because I just sell them to lose weight. But you can make separate poisons that will stop regeneration for both these stats for 90 or so seconds.

- How much will restore health, restore magicka, and restore stamina actually restore?

My restore health, magicka, stamina potions are 105. Too many to carry.

- How much can you fortify a skill or magicka?

It depends on the skill. Unassisted with enchantments, marksman can be increased above 50%, one-handed above 50%, you get the point. But if you were to wear an apparel that increases your potions made by 20%...

- How long will invisibility potions last?

Over 90 seconds.

- How powerful will the resist potions be?

40% depending on which. I can only make resist magicka 17%, but resist fire, frost, lightening over 50%

- How good are the regen potions?

70% for 300 seconds

- What level do frenzy poisons affect?

Far below your level, like level 17. Not even worth much money.

- How good are 'weakness to' poisons?

Unnecessary, imo. You want MORE damage? 30% - 40%, not sure.

So, picture this: You open up with poison of weakness to poison 40% for 60 seconds. Then you follow with 15 poison damage for 10 seconds to get the ball rolling. Then assault them with 75 instant poison damage that last for two hits each for the price of one. And you have fortified your weapon skill over the cap. Very powerful, even on daggers in Expert Difficulty.
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