First off, it's The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Not Oblivion IV.

The nearest EB games was worse. They called Skyrim 'Oblivion 5'

And also, your presuming I hate roleplaying? Why else would I be on this site. after all, Bethesda is a role-playing game publisher you know...
I don't think anyone said that. Oblivion suits all play styles, so you can Roleplay, Do the game all at once or just kill anybody you want.
Thank you for not answering my post negatively like the guy I was correcting about my comment. When I get my next paycheck, I will besure to pick up a used copy of oblivion IV( seriously, i'm that lazy in typing.True story, brah. Trololo) vand hopefully i'll enjoy it. Thanks to all's answers. Onh and BTW, i'd still appreciate any extra opinions about oblivion on thid thread. Otherwise, let it die out, for my main concern has been made.
Velorien corrected you at the beginning of her post, the post was actually of really good substance.
I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy the game, especially if you like Fallout 3. I haven't played FO3 extensively, but from what I gather, the games are quite similar - mainly with FO3 having a few new features and being set in a future, post apocalyptic world. Once you do get it, would you be kind enough to come back and tell us what you think?
EDIT: I just saw this on your profile
I hate rps about elves and fantasy monsters or whatever.
TESIV:Oblivion has both of those things, but they're not implemented stupidly. Dunmer are (IMO) the most versatile race. They are the easiest to develop for any type of character, sort of a 'jack of all trades'. Try them out, even if you hate them :thumbsup: