I doubt most Americans can do a single chinup or pullup, they also cannot run several miles, or even a mile.
I have one friend who bench pressed about 350 pounds for a police physical (that was the most they allowed under their scoring system) and I have another friend who did 60 pushups for his exam (the most they allowed on that event). As for me, I'm not a bench pressing sort of guy (on events like that I'm going to do what they ask, maybe 10-20% more, and then move on to the next event), my time to shine is when it comes to running. With the running I did the 300 meter dash in exactly 45 seconds, which I think is pretty decent since it ranks me around the 98th percentile by the Cooper standards, meaning that if some suspect happens to take off running, unless he's an accomplished runner/sprinter or he's some guy in that 2% above me, I'm running his sorry butt down.
With the pack I've always used I am able to carry about 80-100 pounds (about the maximum limit I can cram into the pack due to volume issues) and comfortably carry it, because it has a strap to go across the chest and it has a belt with kidney support pads that goes around the waist/belt-line area. The weight is not fully on the shoulders as with most packs, but it is distributed evenly to the back, shoulders, waist, and somewhat into the chest.
In a post-apocalyptic world I imagine things would turn around pretty quickly in regards to physical fitness as you wouldn't see too many people around who couldn't physically survive on their own merits. If you cannot outrun a bear, or shoot it down, you're bear food, that's basically how it works in such a situation. The choice is either get fit and stay fit, or get eaten, basically.
The longest I've ever gone without sleep was about 65-70 hours at which time started to have auditory hallucinations. Additionally, I became incredibly paranoid and hostile. Ultimately I wound up sleeping for about 16 hours straight. You need at least 2-3 hours of sleep every 24 hours to avoid hallucinations and issues of sleep deprivation psychosis.
If I had to throw numbers out about my perception of my Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck, here goes...
S- 6
P- 8
E- 7
C- 8
I- 9
A- 6
L- 4
Rationale behind the numbers...
S- When uninjured I frequently just randomly hit the deck and do pushups until I get tired, get bored, or until some show I might have been watching comes back on (I like doing pushups during commercials), I also try to do pullups/chinups whenever I go by the pullup bar in my garage. Likewise, when not injured, or perhaps when not seriously injured, I try to train BJJ/grappling at least five or six hours each week, and back before I was pretty banged up, I was training upwards of twelve hours each week. It certainly goes a long way to hardening the body.
P- After years of hunting and being outdoors I feel pretty well versed in spotting movement and picking up on sounds, to the point where I can spot a squirrel shake his tail from about 100 yards out. I'm also usually the first one to spot deers, skunks, possums, etc, in the tree-line heading for the road, when in a vehicle. My peripheral vision has allowed me to avoid hitting any animals as of the present time, since I spot movement on the sides of the road, ahead of where I am, and adjust my speed accordingly, in anticipation of the animal making a dash across the road.
E- When you can grapple/wrestle/etc for two to three hours at an open mat, with only a few quick water breaks, along with biking 15+ miles in a single go, and being able to run on a regular basis (although I don't run much because oddly enough running anywhere except a rubberized track/turf will cause me injuries and pain that I don't suffer via grappling, which you would think would cause more injuries), you know you have a solid degree of endurance.
C- I've been told that I could sell anything to anybody and I've pretty much always made great impressions on everybody I've met, even if they find me eccentric. One professor wound up liking me so much that when I called him ten minutes after a quiz, when class was over, and told him that I was beating myself up over one of the questions and how I answered A instead of B, he changed it to B for me and told me not to worry (it turned out B was the correct answer). Another professor gave me a take-home exam to do since I missed the test day and when I asked him when I should have it in by he told me to bring it back to him sometime before the semester ended, but to take my time with it and do it at my leisure. One day I was delivering a package to a lady, a regular customer who I'd interacted with a number of times, and I noticed she was unloading bags of groceries from a vehicle, I helped her unload all of the bags and then she made me a sandwich for lunch (and no I wasn't with some place such as UPS that would have thrown a fit over an employee stopping to help a woman take her groceries into her house and then receiving a sandwich). In college I had a following of 10-30 people (depending on the year) who would sit around and listen to me talk about issues regarding religion, politics, current events, history, etc for anywhere from 2-8 hours (the longest I ever spoke for was about 7-8 hours after being asked to discuss some issues of scripture and politics by other students who wanted to hear what I had to say, the discussion began around 8 pm with about 30-40 people present, and it ended around 3 am with about maybe 15 still there). Most of my high-school teachers told me that I might consider a career as a soap-box demagogue.
I- I hold a bachelor of science, I was appointed to the dean's list multiple times, and I know a solid amount about history, economics, guerilla warfare theory, weapons, weapons maintenance, via study of history, study of other books, training, etc, with a reasonable amount about things such as statistics and chemistry. In high school one of my teachers once photocopied one of my essays (for an advanced class) and passed out a copy to all of her students, telling them that they should read it and consider it an example of a stellar essay and as a guide for how to model/write an essay paper. Although I'm no physicist and I'm no engineer/chemist/chemical engineer or anything along those lines.
A- I'm reasonably flexible due to my level of activity but I have sustained a number of nasty injuries over the year and I find it hard to function as easily as I used to be able to do. I'm more agile than the guy off the street or some other random joe sixpack but I have a lot of room to improve and I need to work on getting my flexibility back. I've never really had any major injuries in my childhood or teen years, despite falling from high places, landing odd ways, crashing over the handlebars of my bike right onto the pavement, etc. Although I haven't maintained that ability to remain uninjured these days since I seem to get banged up here and there, but not as bad as might be expected given the activities I engage in.
L- Random things don't just happen for me, I seem to have a lot of random curveballs thrown my way such as my car being wrecked after an idiot hits me while I'm stopped at a red light minding my own business, etc... I don't have windfalls, I don't have bags of money just fall into my lap. I have to make my own way in life and basically, as they say, make my own luck. A lot of great things have happened for me but usually due to some combination of prayer, preparation, persistence, and colossal effort. I've never had a knock at the door from some guy wanting to hand me a case of cash or bottle caps.
My tag skills would probably be Guns/Small Guns, Barter, and Speech, or Guns/Small Guns, Speech, and Unarmed.
My main perks would be Hunter, Retention, Swift Learner, Comprehension, Educated, Gunslinger, and Commando.
I smell an overcompensater. Who wants to take bets that this guy is really a 310 lb. Best Buy clerk?
Sorry - what I mean to say is, if you want a hyper-realistic survival/combat sim, why not wipe out a McDonalds and escape into the woods? You'll do fine.