Indeed, and that is one flaw of mine, I don't like to leave lies/slanders unanswered, although I am working on it. If somebody claims I am some 310 pound cow I have a natural desire to prove how they are just a liar slinging mud. Aside from posting about my own assessment of my expected SPECIAL numbers, I never would have gone any further had the mug slingers not come in suggesting I was 310 pounds working at Best Buy, and then suggesting I was a backwater idiotic hick due to the Confederate flag pillows evident in the picture I showed (which clearly shows I am NOT anywhere near 310 pounds).
I'd wager that those who suggest others are cows are probably themselves cows, but I'm not going to start slinging mud at them. I will say that I've exercised a lot of discipline and I've sweat hard to stay in shape and maintain what I've worked for in regards to physical fitness. Not everybody has that discipline and some people take to scoffing at those who do as a way to feel better about themselves. I'm not here to beat up on anybody who out of shape and indeed I won't do so, as long as they're not scoffing at those who have it together in regards to physical fitness. I know what I need to work on and that is basically strength training, but I am very proud of my endurance and stamina, and I believe I have a right to be proud of my accomplishments.
Would people prefer some emo queer crying about being unable to do a single chinup?
I'm not one for tooting my own horn unless somebody tries to claim my horn won't sound, then I wind up having to prove it does sound properly. It's a problem of mine, I get svckered into debating with trolls and idiots on a regular basis, and that's another problem I am working on.
If you just wrote a novel and wound up published and some punk online said, "you couldn't write a novel, you're an idiot" your natural reaction, and likely first reaction, would be to post a link to the novel and tell them to shove it. It is simply how most people operate. People don't like being told (especially by strangers) that they have not accomplished the things they know they have, or that they do not have the capabilities they know they have. I'm not out to put anybody down or take away from any of their accomplishments, but I don't like being pushed onto the defensive for making honest statements about myself. If I were making claims about having been a Navy SEAL or being a winner of a Nobel Prize for Physics, or an international chess champion, or 20-2 in MMA, it would be reasonably acceptable to demand some solid evidence/proof of the validity of such claims.
I came here to find some game hints, but man, I gotta chime in on this guy.
dOOd... why are you writing all this about yourself? Who are you trying to impress?
It boggles my mind why someone would spend to much time posting so much personal information on a game forum. WTF are you doing? And, the information you post makes me think you are an egotistical ass, or a big liar. But you shouldn't care what I think... why? Because this is an internet forum! Learn2internet, Chief!
Here is my suggestion, Mr. self proclaimed "Billy Bob Badass", turn off the internet and go outside. Don't make another long reply to my post, which will probably state more personal information than anyone cares about, because I'm not going to read it. I'm about to go outside, you know... outside? I'm going to go a sports bar, drink some beer wirh my friends, and try to find a beautiful skank to take home tonight. Trust me, I'm going to forget this post.
Turn off your internet, Sport, because from what I am gathering, you have some serious acceptance/social issues. Find help.