I will eat, drink, walk when there's no reason to hurry, sleep at nights, go everywhere manually and without fast travel, and basically try to make it as much of a hardcoe role play as i can.
i don't like the idea of permadeath however. it doesn't make sense to work on a player for months, make a mistake and die, and just throw away months of work.
Heh, I remember burning several character sheets upon death of my characters in PnP. Death was permanent, often for characters that had much more time, emotion, and memories invested than any cRPG.
If I buy it, then I will roleplay the PC as in all RPG's that I've played. (Whether the PC is assigned or generated), I will get the best idea of their personality, history, and motives that I can discern from what the game provides, and invent the rest if need be (which is a shame IMO if its needed).
I will then extrapolate their actions and interactions with the areas and npc's, based on their skills and abilities.
If they are a brute, then that is how they will behave in conversation and combat. If they are a thief, then they will be doing a lot of stealing ~if they get caught, and/or killed in the act... so be it. If they are not a thief, then they probably will never break into any non-public areas or loot any owned containers.
If they are the respectful sort, then they will not loot graves and tombs, and almost never initiate combat. If they are brash or dense, then I'll make sure they act that way. Hopefully the game fully supports playing third person; I find that first person tends to put you in place of your character, almost a substitution ~which I find highly annoying usually.
This appears to be how I play. Not so much the minutia of daily routine, but playing based upon what the skills dictate.
A small variation on the last part though, the view in cRPG's doesn't matter to me since I play them as a computer game (something to beat) rather than a RPG where I take on silly accents and throw dice at friends.