Title pretty much says it all, I've played all the dlc's except for Dead Money which I originally had to uninstall because it corrupted my saved games for some reason. Im thinking about trying to re-install it this weekend but im not sure if I want to take the chance on losing the character I've made to take to the divide or not. So to the people that have played it (most of you im sure) excatly how much important information does it give you on Ulysess? I know Christine is supposed to give you a lot on him but what else is there that I might be missing out on, and how vital is her info to the story? If you could avoid spoilers to that would be great, because if I am going to play it I'd like to get the full effect of being suprised by whats in it.
Edit: Son of a biscuit wrong forum.
Edit number two: Thanks for the move Rough.