Also they hate getting spammed duel request because they never win.
Duel are never used for balancing, monks are strong in duels but weak in rated bgs and 5s arena.
DAOC had dueling so I'm expecting dueling
Thats an idiotic thing to say.
People don't like getting spammed because they may have better things to do than play with handbags. know, like PVEing or PVPing.....God forbid they actually want to play the content.
And being spammed with anything, regardless of the reason is frowned upon. Its extremely bad behaviour to begin with.
I don't care one bit about dueling, in fact I've been pestered enough with dueling requests in past MMOs that I hope it will never be implemented. They will probably add some kind of arena in the future so that would take care of it.
I would like it in this game, gives you a chance to test your skills and get more used to them, or practice with a friend that is new and help people learn.
could always have a dueling area, much like they have a pvp area lol, only very small. that way if you don't want to be bothered you don't go there.
Would be cool if you could bet on battles. Give it a bit of a gladiator feel altho this could distract to much from world pvp, and its still gambling, not sure what that might develop in the long run.
Don't care if they add it or not. If they do though, they need to put in something to block duel invites (so I don't have to worry about someone spamming them at me while I'm doing things) and prevent jerks from dueling in the middle of a dungeon when they're supposed to be helping complete the quest.
Not important to me, but I know others like it, and like I have said I support it for those that like it, as long as I have an auto-decline..
I enjoy a duel from time to time, I have fond memories of sending someone running in fear, lighting them on fire, and stealing their soul back in old WoW. I never duelled a lot, just once in a while, and I had fun. I certainly see no reason not to allow duels, despite the whining of the dog-in-a-manger types who don't like to duel and who cannot stand knowing that someone is out there doing something they do not like to do.
That said, we would need an auto-decline feature for duels due to the jackholes who run around spamming challenges everywhere. I would never use that feature, though, as it is more fun to ignore the invite and force the idiot to wait for the timer to run out before he can issue a new challenge.
What this guy said; at least about the part where people expect classes to be balanced around it. There's always the crowd that will cry their class is underpowered because they lost a duel.
I wouldn't mind dueling if it wasn't for that fact.
Personally I'm completely indifferent. If it keeps people happy, though, why not?
The MMO PvP community is quite vocal, but extremely small in number as compared to the vastly larger PvE customer base. Cyrodiil already represents a massive expenditure of precious developer time; to make any sort of serious money, ZOS needs to devote significant amounts of developer effort into end game PvE content for simple bottom line reasons.
I think they're doing just that--we should see more details on Adventure Zones and hopefully that will attract huge numbers of PvE players to help ZOS make their income goals.
If they want add dueling or other PvP mini-games down the road, that's fine, but they have to focus on solidifying their income stream (PvE) first.
To be fair the PvE crowd is also the first to leave after they devoured every PvE encounter the game has to offer.
The PvP crowd tends to stay as long as the game is fun and balanced. Playing against real players will keep you hooked for much longer than playing against a scripted AI, and it doesnt require the DEVs to release "new content" every two months.
About duels... i dont think they are so important but why not? They didnt hurt Daoc i dont see how they could hurt TESO.
Every player stays as long as he's having fun. That's not exclusive to PvE or PvP.
PvE just has so many more players it dominates the income stream. More join as others leave. Hopefully ZOS will be able to keep up with the otherwise-insatiable appetites of the large PvE community. There's certainly a ton of money to be made doing so
Fighting against thinking brains is exclusive to PvP, and you can hardly deny that.
Every fight is - even if only slightly - different.
PvE games are becoming glorified memory games lately, i hope TESO isnt following the same route.
FFXIV, i am looking at you!
While I have fun duelling once in a while, some players like to duel a lot, often while they are waiting for the group to form or the queue to pop. There is no harm in it if you don't like it, you can step around it if you wish. The only argument I see the anti-duel crowd using is this:
Don't really care in my opinion as far as dueling goes. Never really dueled much in W.o.W either, to test things out yeah always, but not sit infront of org and duel for hours talking trash. but back on subject, it doesn't bother me either way.
I do deny it. The enjoyment of PvE content has little to do with the opponent and everything to do with organization, teamwork and social skills. Heroic raiding at the highest levels is no joke.
In any event this isn't about play style preferences. If ZOS adds dueling that's fine by me. I just expect them to spend their precious development time on efforts that will make them the most possible income, and there's no question that the vastly larger PvE customer base represents that.
Maybe they'll add mini-games and other PvP activities down the road. I wouldn't expect it any time soon, though, and it makes a lot of sense--it's smart business to spend more effort on your largest and most profitable customers.
edit - Cyrodiil was already a massive undertaking, and it looks to be a whole heck of a lot of fun for players who enjoy the PvP side of things. Nice job by ZOS, I'd say.
Talking like just makes you look like someone who is just afraid to duel.
Dueling is a nice feature and should be implemented. There is no reason not to.
If I wanna duel with a friend I can't do it. If you don't wanna duel...just don't duel.
If someone invites you and you don't wanna duel..just don't accept it ?!?
It isn't about proving something. It's about having fun.
Other players shouldn't have a nice feature negated just because you have emotional issues with dueling or ppl that likes's your problem, not theirs.
Some people think that this is a better "environment" to measure a player's prowess or lack of than in a battlefield or group fights.
dueling to me is essential when you first start playing an mmo, it allows you to get a feel of pvp and where you new character need improvement for in pvp later down the road, it also allows you to practice with others for pvp
So you think there is actually someone playing monsters?
That would be an interesting concept for a MMO btw...
You're missing the point entirely, and that's fine. This isn't a thread about the merits of PvP or PvE. You're welcome to start up another thread about it if you like.
My point is that developer time is precious, and will in all probability be spent on PvE activities before more PvP stuff is added to the game. It's just the smart thing to do from a business standpoint, and they've already devoted an unthinkable amount of developer time on Cyrodiil, which should keep PvP players happy for quite some time. It looks great if you enjoy PvP. Props to ZOS for the massive amount of work they put in for it.
my thoughts on Cyrodiil....Im on my wayy, im on my wayyyyy, homeee sweet homeeeee : courtesy of Motley Crue