I really don't intend to sound like a jerk. I just put things bluntly, and I think it is often misunderstood.
I do search, I just like having a backup plan, and second opinions as well.
That's fine, but the first page isn't much of a search.
Yes, I expect a lot of new players. I even look forward to it, and I do try to help courteously. But if someone isn't going to give that much effort to search, I'm afraid they'll give up on getting MW to run because, like you said, it is difficult to get everything playing nicely.
Even if they are new, people should know to search a little, especially the threads. Stickies should be a given. We all know how often a new mod recommendation threads pop up. Like you, I usually leave it to someone else when it's the X number of X thread made in a week. It's not just about the forums though; knowing how to search is just a good skill to have.
Yes, sorry, I didn't mean to make so many threads. I feel bad about it too, lol. I wish there was a way you can delete your threads here, or else I would do it for some of my threads.
No, I really don't have a problem with the amount of threads you made. Most are mod conflicts, which as I said are different. But not even going beyond the first result page is well, bad, in my opinion. I completely understand being excited to get the game up and running, especially if you are new to it. If you are new, I still recommend not using any mods that change a lot though, despite how tempting it is.
Don't feel bad about the threads you made.
:no: It won't be overwrite as a long you don't copy/extract the same BSA file into Data Files folder, but to make it work you must use BSAReg like Elaura told you or do what Jac describe to you.
Here is an easy tool called http://www.elricm.com/nuke/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Downloads&file=index&req=getit&lid=376 (requires http://www.java.com/) which you can use to both browse or pack/unpack BSA's and register a BSA file.
I know all about BSA Browser. It sure takes a long time to extract for me though. Though I meant just putting a texture into the Data Files folder will overwrite the main BSAs. Well, I guess overwrite isn't the best term to use because no file is changed. The game just uses it instead of the BSA.
Neither Elaura nor Jac were talking to me, by the way. Did you mistake me with OP?