How to keep track of player's unused Dragon Souls?

Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:03 pm

Hi all, I'm working on the final boss for my mod at the moment, and I'm having a little trouble figuring out exactly how to get it to do what I want.

Basically, I need the boss to do the following:

1. When the player enters triggers surrounding the boss, the player loses one unused dragon soul (as in, not souls already spent on shouts), and the boss absorbs it. This could also be done via dialogue. Either way, this means I need to keep track of how many dragon souls the player currently has.

As far as I can tell, GetPCMiscStat only counts the total amount of souls the player has collected over the course of the entire game, so it's not quite what I'm looking for.

2. The boss is invulnerable at long-range (or if I go the dialogue route, soul loss in unavoidable), so you've got to get up close to kill it. (Note: I can do this already, just mentioning it here for completeness)

3. When the player loses all their dragon souls, the boss then absorb's the player's soul. This means game over.

4. Once the player kills the boss, the player gets back all the dragon souls that were stolen from them.

So... any ideas?

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:06 am

I think "dragonsouls" is an actor value...

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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:49 am

Oh, you're right, it is.

For some reason I thought it was one of the obsolete AVs like Fame and Infamy, and it was covered by GetPCMiscStat instead.

Glad to see I was mistaken. :)

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