How little would my character know about Skyrim? (details in

Post » Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:08 am

As title says, my character is a forsworn, detached from her people and has been living within the 2 Orcish strongholds in the Reach (The only 2 ive been to in 8 levels)

How little would she know about Tamriel even less Skyrim? In my RP she only hunts to contribute to the strongholds, and to experience a freedom she didn't have as a child.

I purposely got bounties in the Reach and Whiterun for my RP so guards and thalmor see me as just some forsworn scum who might be up to something. She wants to roam the plains of whiterun but doesn't go far because guards will spot her (or me, it happened often) and she doesn't wish to kill them.

I really want to get into this rp (She's my 3rd character ever I've started a rp for) and this would be the first character I'd actually have to develop like this, but I can't imagine the level of knowledge she would have. I know its my Rp and character, I'd just like to be on point as possible and get some feedback from those who know way more about TES culture and lore than me.
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David John Hunter
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