» Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:49 am
Cevat said in an interview 10+, depending on how you play ^^
(Multiplayer 50 or more ^^ )
Yup, Exactly.
Read the whole thing here:
and about 50 hours.
During the time you spend in Multiplayer you will level up your Nanosuit constantly. Once you reach level 50, you’ll have the option to ‘reboot’ your Nanosuit and start back at Level 1 for more prestige, better gear and cooler dogtags. All in all you’ll be allowed to reboot your Nanosuit five times. What makes the progression really great is that we reward you experience based on your style of play, split into three categories. This allows you to unlock modules, weapons, etc. in ways that reflect your playstyle rather than being rewarded with items you may not necessary want or use.
Well, if you consider their prestige system too(suit reboot or something like that) then its a lot greater than 50 hours.