First of all, the scenery...OMG...I wandered into a Daedric tomb [ayelid tomb???] and killed some imps. Everything is so much more photolike than in Morrowind. That and I have a pretty average PC: medium quality recommended but I am running it on high quaility with some slight framerate lag [latest NVDIA driver - that one that came out a month ago, 3GB of RAM with duo core but a low-end graphics card [nvidia GEFORCE 7300 GS] . But even so it's one pretty landscape.
So, having got to level 4, my main point is this: how long do people play Oblivion for without looking up any spoilers, hints, etc? I have played to level 4 totally blind. All I know is what the skills are and that's it. I know where to get info; it is my choice to play blind. I have to say that I have found it easier to work out than Morrowind, in terms of game mechanics like how to cast a spell. I don't think that Morrowind experience helped; they are different games ikn so many ways. I'm in two minds about it. On the one hand I like the element of surprise playing blind. I have managed to complete the first bit of the main quest without looking up where Jauffre was. I get a lot more satisfaction from that. Yet it also takes more time and with the levelling system I may well get to a stage where my character stats do not match those of the monsters. Interestingly, I have coped quite well in combat. I have only died once with my mage to level 4. That's a lot better than I did in Morrowind.
So, playing blind? Do people do it? When do people give up and look a few things up? :rolleyes:
Has anyone played blind and beaten the game? [Please be honest!!!]
It is something that I regret from Morrowind: I looked up so much stuff before I played. I was left with no real surprise.
In any case Oblivion is an awesome game. I have the Vanilla version. So I have no knights of the 9 or DLC or patch or mods.
Thank you