IF, and I mean IF, they allow you to pre download then I will order a digital copy and get started because it might take a few days for me to get it otherwise. I know when I bought a physical copy of Forza 5, it still took a few days to get the rest of the game downloaded even though I was able to play within about an hour or so after loading.
The new way of doing games with most of it being downloaded even though you have a disc really pisses me off. I absolutely hate it and dread what may happen if my Xbox One ever dies, like 3 of my 360s did. With the 360 at least I could just swap the hard drive over and keep on playing, until they changed the console and made it so you couldn't swap hard drives anymore. It was harder to get my profile back from Microsoft then it was to get my lost password back from my bank.
But I digress...