I get 6 MB/s off of steam usually, so not that long. It doesn't matter all that much with Steam most likely doing a preload before launch anyways. Although im probably going to get terrible speeds because Fallout 4 is going to be by far the biggest game to hit Steam in a long time.
Also 28 gigs is a good size. Fits nicely into my tiny SSD.
Yeah, I'm glad I'm done with them. They were terrible if not the worst ISP I have ever used.
No idea about actual time frame but with that size under 2 hours with my connection, dependent on how many are downloading from same source so they might throttle the download at their end.
Usually my download is around 40/50Mbit down and 20/24Mbit upload some variation in speeds happen.
Oh yeah that day one patch is going to be a nail biter.
I manage to get 8.6mbs on Steam, so not long. GTA V takes me around 1.5 hours and that's 60GB.
If I were to download it would take about 40 minutes barring any remote server issues.
That being said, I'm going to settle for my PS4 Pip-Boy Edition.
Ever since both my 360s I've owned disc trays have messed up I never buy discs anymore (Don't know if the Xbox One has this same problem). I will be getting it digitally and my internet is crap so it will take like 4-5 days for me to download it, how many days before hand can we actually start downloading it before it is release? 4 Days?
Not sure about 50gb, but the reason its only 28gb is more than likely to be due to compression so it will probably turn into 35gb or so once its been installed onto your pc.
I'm looking at a 6.5 ± 0.5 hour download...
I'm assuming people are posting in Mega Bytes, cuz I don't remember when the last time I've seen anything measured in bits. But just in case here's a little note on units: Mega Byte (MB) and Mega Bit (Mb or mb).
1 Mb = 125 KB
1 MB = 1000 KB
28.12 GB = 28120 MB = 224960 mb
Part of the reason it's so low is the lack of prerecorded cutscenes in Bethesda games, and the fact that their master files are comparatively small, only recording the arrangement of the different models and things. And most of those models will be reused quite a lot in the game.
We don't even know that the 28GB figure is accurate. Hines https://twitter.com/DCDeacon/status/647887751094890500 that they haven't released that data.
A walk to the mailbox on the morning of 11/10/15 =P
Well, I do have to go to work since it's a Tuesday, so I guess that's fine too =)
After thinking about it i'll probably order it through amazon (seen a discount, plus with prime free shipping). I just hope that if they have a day one patch it isn't super huge. I have one day of pto so i'll probably use it for 11/11/15...ya know like a responsible advlt
I thought 28 gigs was pretty big huge considering how much Skyrim shoved into, what? Like 10? That's almost triple that. Dunno how much of that would be the new protag dialogue tho.
Probably 5 minutes at the most (I'm getting it physical for PS4)