when you have a deadline youre always short on man hours, do you realize how many more features people ask to be implemented in the game? those 100,000 hours is not nearly enough to make it all happen . . . maybe if they put mounted combat as their top priority but they wont, and they shouldnt.
dont base your expectations on the number of man hours they have left or spent
I don't have any expectations, I'm a man of science so i let the chips fall where they may. I'm also extremely anolytical though so i can't help but to anolyze everything.
For starters Todd said they were still working on it which means they are still devoting man hours to it. For some perspective on how much time they actually have left we know that 6 people spent 2 years on the dragons and that is 24,000 man hours on dragons alone. That is a huge effort and they have time left to put forth over 4x that amount of effort. Logic dictates that they could spare 2-4k of those 100k man hours of that remaining effort on the mounted combat. That's only two to four people working all day everyday up till Gold,
Todd wouldn't have said maybe and then they show us a saddled horse in the trailer (especially when we see a pack horse in the concept art, so if that's all they are for up to this point why not just show that) if they weren't trying to get it done. My guess is there are quite a few things we are not expecting that will turn us on again come E3. Watch...jaws will drop yet again.
That's just a theory mind you as is all of my speculation but it's based on anolysis of the facts as I see them.