How to lower the effects of Endurance?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:15 pm

Yes... How do I lower the effects of Endurance AKA making it give people less health?
I find it frustrating how you can hit a scamp with more than 10 hits with a sword and it still fights on like always! With 10 hits from a sword that head of its would be gone long ago! Almost.

Atleast this will make battles end faster...

Thanks in advance!
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:52 pm

Not sure how you would go about doing that exactly, but there are alternatives, some that apply only to melee damage / combat damage, and others (at least on other, anyway) for all damage types. is the one I know of that multiplies all damage (note: that includes damage to you!) in the game. You can choose the degree of multiplication.

Hope that helps, or at least gives you an idea of alternatives...
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:09 am

Not sure how you would go about doing that exactly, but there are alternatives, some that apply only to melee damage / combat damage, and others (at least on other, anyway) for all damage types. is the one I know of that multiplies all damage (note: that includes damage to you!) in the game. You can choose the degree of multiplication.

Hope that helps, or at least gives you an idea of alternatives...

That may help yes... Still looking for a way to lower the effects of Endurance (and other Major skills too) tho!

Thanks for your help :)
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Spooky Angel
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