» Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:59 pm
Once you have added the ##SightingNode(make sure you name it exactly like this) to your weapon's .NIF file, you will need to adjust the translation values of the node to make sure it is an accurate aiming sight.
I've found the best way to do this is to first decide which part of the weapon you want to be used for the aiming point. Then, compare the position of the HUD reticule(which is where the weapon is really aimed/pointed) with the position of your desired aiming point when zooming/using the iron sights... and adjust the position of the ##SightingNode in Nifskope accordingly. Obviously, the HUD reticule disappears when aiming down the iron sights... so you need to try and remember where it was pointed before activating the iron sights. When your desired aiming point is lined up with the HUD reticule, your iron sight system should be accurate.
More than likely, you will need to spend a fair amount of time tweaking the position of the ##SightingNode to get it just the way you want. I've set up several custom weapons to work with iron sights... and it can be a rather frustrating exercise in trial and error.
Also keep in mind that some of the settings in the GECK, like weapon spread values will influence the accuracy of your weapon.