Basically, I've placed idle markers around places and assigned AI packages to my custom NPCs to use these idle markers. Everything works out fine but one problem was that other various NPCs (mainly from other population mods) were using my idle markers as well.
So what I want is to make my idle markers usable only by my custom NPCs. What's the best way to make this work?
I've tried setting the Ownership for the idle marker to the specific NPC but that just resulted in my NPC not even using the idle markers at all.
The same thing can be said for furnitures and "special furnitures" I've added (Lean on wall, Chop wood, Sit on chair etc.). As soon as I set the ownership from NONE to any NPC, no one is able to use the furniture.
I seriously don't get it. I've checked through the vanilla game, to see how the game does it. The markers for market stall NPCs all have ownerships set, the "furnitures" for work NPCs all have ownerships set. So why doesn't mine work?
This is the one issue I've had throughout my time using the CK and still can't figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.