Obviously it is possible, because that is what most of the people talk about here.
Obviously it is possible, because that is what most of the people talk about here.
Simple. "New Game". Be careful though, you might delete your previous.
Also make sure that you made a manual save of your previous character. Autosaves and quicksaves get overwritten.
How do i make sure i dont save over my previous character
Guys drop the attidude and help the guy already. You think you will enter Sovngarde by flapping your gums?
Autosaves save automatically when entering new cells(houses, caves etc.) but will be overwritten and you will loose that save. Make a "new save", or even better make two new saves of each character in case you accidentally save over one of the files.
Yes, but you learn more by figuring things out for yourself.
Some things you shouldn't have to ask.
Though, if you do thinks on your self, their is a high chance something will go wrong.
Eh, after seeing countless console players come here to cry over their lost characters, I think it's better if people ask for instructions before attempting to create a new character. Better safe than sorry.
You might also want to pick up a couple of flash drives, the kind that plug into your USB port. (I use 8gb ones) They will plug into the controller ports. Save to one when you're done playing and remove it. Put it back in when you play again. The game will prompt you to choose either the hard drive or the memory device when you start playing again. You can also create another profile on Xbox Live, and create a different character on it, then load whichever profile that has the character you want to play. Xbox Live Silver account is free too. You just have to be hooked to the 'net.
Edit: And welcome to the forum and Skyrim!
Folks, some posts went away. There are no dumb questions except for the ones that are not asked.
Remember, none of us were experts when first started, with this game or any other one. If you can't offer help without commentary about the validity of asking for help, then don't post.
The guy asked for some help regardless of how straightforward the answer is knocking him for asking is something to be ashamed of.
Just try to filter out the meaner forum-goers, OP, and look out for the ones willing to help.
This is what I do,I have three flashdrives.
I have two characters going on separate flashdrives then I generally use the third one for just screwing around and trying different combos out.
And as been brought up make sure that you save your new character in a new save slot, other wise you may overwrite your old characters save file.
Everybody give khallaharri a hug to cheer em up I'll go first....
There's no such thing as a stupid question.....What is stupid is not asking questions.