The instructions might looks long but it's not. It's very easy.
Give it a try! It's worth it.
Note to mods:
This is not spam. This is a thread meant to discuss character creation and beauty.
1) Start off by making a new character.
2) Go to High Elf and on six click Yes. I'm kidding. Switch it over to female.
3) Go down to Skin tone and go one tick to the left.
4) Go down to Weight and put your slider under the i. Example: Weight
5) Go over to the Face tab and go down to Nose type.
6) Move your slider all the way left then once right. [-l-----------]
7) Go down to Nose Length and move the slider all the way to the left.
8) Go over to your Brow tab and go to Brow type.
9) Move your slider under the letter e then one tick to the right.
10) Move over to your Mouth tab and go down to Lip color andmove one tick to the right.
11) Move over to your Hair tab and move your slider under the letter r then go 2 ticks to the right. [-------r-l----]
12) Change hair color to dark brown.
There you have it! The most beautiful elf woman that you've ever laid eyes on!
Tell me your thoughts.