How to make things appear after a trigger?

Post » Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:24 pm

Hey I just had a quick question. In the Creation Kit, how would I get things to appear only after a certain point? For those who have played Dawngaurd, like how the forge and table and decorations in fort dawngaurd only appear after progressing through the questline. Also, for those who have not played Dawnguard, I want to do something similar to any house. Decorations and so forth are only added after you have purchased them. Basically, want things/people/objects to appear only AFTER a trigger such as a quest or person talked to is fulfilled. Thanks.

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Nadia Nad
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Post » Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:27 pm

place an Xmarker in the world near your things, set it as initially disabled and untick "respawn".

After that, make sure that all your things are "enabled parent" with the xmarker above. WHen you need to popup the things then use this command:


where myMarker is a reference to your xmarker.

Since all the things are "enable parent" with this xmarker, all those things will appear too.

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