zero I find it mean.... even if its just a game.... the only animals I have killed are wolves.... the few bears I saw I sneaked past them .....saber cat I ran my ass off into a river....
To go against the flow, i've killed quite a lot, i'll attack any non-humanoid creature that moves, it helps me level up my archery! So why not? I'm an Animal lover, i prefer Animals to people, but seriously.. it's a game.
Zero. I don't attack any neutral mobs. Even stay away from bandits, if they warn to not come closer. It's a great improvement over Oblivion/Morrowind and feels more like Gothic 1/2. Just awesome. :foodndrink:
You can find how many bunnies you have slaughtered under Combat in the General Stats page.
I have killed 6 innocent little wabbits. How about you?
Ohww if Princess_Stomper notices this thread you are toast.
But to answer your question...not even thought about doing that. If a creature/npc does not attack my character then i leave it alone. (Unless it is required for a quest.)
Upwards of fifty, easily. I'm surprised so many people don't kill them. I kill rabbits, goats, birds, etc.. every little bit helps level destruction. :shrug: