Depends. If it's like FO3 where there was no faction exclusivity, one. If it's like NV and factions make sense, 2-3.
Depends. If it's like FO3 where there was no faction exclusivity, one. If it's like NV and factions make sense, 2-3.
My first playthrough I won't use any companions and play as a sniper with evil tendencies. 2nd playthrough will be female and I'll be more balanced and try to discover everything.
My Lone Sniper Build
S-1 (Will level up to 3 later to get Armorer)
P-9 (Detection)
E-3 (Life Giver)
C-3 (Lone Wanderer)
I-4 (Hacker)
A-5 (Action Boy)
L-3 (Bloody Mess)
For me,one male at the moment since basically you can master all perks.
I might give it a try on female later,maybe.
Depends on how good the game is. I made 5 in Skyrim, 4 in NV and 2 in FO3.
Come on really what a defeatist attitude.... You have toes don't ya.
Pretty much the same for me hehe
ill end up making countless chararcters but right now ive planned 2. 1 will be my main char who will be high agil and luck using mainly guns. and the other will be a high strength brute who just demolishes everything they see
I have 3 characters planned so far, and i HOPE I dont get addicted to creating different characters like on Skyrim. Close to 2 dozen.
1. Pretty much how I always create my first character, Charismatic and good with guns. Neutral, but leaning more towards the good side.
2. Really excited about this one. Shes an exslave from the Pitt and now is really stealthy and basically going to be as much as possible, like Carol from the Walking Dead show. She will be beast.
3. This will be my bad guy character. Genius, Energy User, and Better than everybody else, according to his calculations. He's not a nerd tho, he's very deadly.
i dont know - i alway slike the "idea" about more focused alt in such a game..but the truth is if im playing a game for 200 hours i might not make that many ill probably end up making one balanced character that allows me to access all of the games content instead of a first focused one and than being constantly annoyed that im locked out of stuff... for me, being able to do whatever i want in the moment is worth a lot more than being efficient...
Pretty much this, so many barebones ideas not all of them take.
Depends... if things like the voiced protagonist don't affect role-play & replay-ability, then I'll create countless characters as I did in previous games.
btw sorry if off topic but can we have different saves for each char?
I don't know. 2 I guess. I always make a first character, plays with it for a while and then realize that I made a mistake just to create another one which becomes the most funny one.
If it's anything like Skyrim in matter of save files then yes.
^i second this motion when modding i create alot
I plan on making 1. I can't play multiple characters at one time and i can't just run through a story. These games can take me 400-500+ hours to play. I will of course make other characters eventually.. but they will most likely be pretty similar to the one I created during my first playthrough. I tend to stick to one archetype and have trouble playing any other type of character.
It appears FO4 will be similar to New Vegas in that you can "join multiple factions vying for power" (according to Steam store description). Aren't you going to want to try different characters that choose to ally with the different groups, perhaps with a different playing style?
For example with New Vegas, first I made an explosives specialist who followed Yes Man's advice, then a melee character that sided with the Legion, then a rather different sniper build that joined the NCR, and now I'm trying an energy weapons character for Old World Blues.
This is exactly why I can't play modded saves my first couple times around. I end up making new characters and ruining the experience by trying to improve the experience.
Eventually.. but really, I can't turn around and play another 400-500 hours of the same game back to back. I need to take breaks between playing the same game over. But also, there are options in games I just never choose because I don't like the outcome or don't enjoy the play style. I've played Baldur's Gate for years and there are still options I've never chosen.. As for play style. I don't enjoy melee.. so even in games like Skyrim, I don't build a melee character.
In NV I've never sided on the side of the Legion.. Dont' like them, I can't role play a character I don't like. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything just because I don't choose an option. I know what would happen if I did choose that option and I'm fine with that simple knowledge.. I don't actually need to experience it.
First Day I think I might make about 10 characters. Maybe more maybe less. Some of those are likely Dead is Dead characters and doing some foolish things like maybe trying to swim across the Atlantic Ocean.