Realistically speaking of course.. Do you think we will get 4-5 dlc's like in Fallout 3 and New Vegas or will they perhaps go the Skyrim approach and only make two or three dlc's? My guess is two medium sized dlc's and a third large expansion.
Realistically speaking of course.. Do you think we will get 4-5 dlc's like in Fallout 3 and New Vegas or will they perhaps go the Skyrim approach and only make two or three dlc's? My guess is two medium sized dlc's and a third large expansion.
Who knows? I always suspected there was supposed to be another Skyrim DLC that got cancelled because of the PS3 problems. That suspicion is based on nothing more than the amount of time that passed between the completion of Dragonborn and the announcement that they were finished with Skyrim.
Personally, I'd probably prefer two or three really big ones to four or five smallish ones. I only wish I had the patience to wait for the GOTY edition of Fallout 4 so I could get it all at once. That ain't gonna happen, though.
Assuming you're just talking about content DLC, 4 hopefully, but I get the feeling that it's going to be 3.
3-5 would be a good guess. I'd rather they did three decent sized ones than four/five small ones that can be done in a couple of hours.
I know you are probably already working on them Bethesda, but real locations please! Don't do another alien centric one or virtual reality one for that matter.
I wouldn't mind they do two large expansions like they usually do with TES.
Bethesda said that fewer larger DLC is better for the team.
So I expect three rather large DLCs.
Three, though I do hope they take some hints from The Witcher 3 and give us some smaller DLC, just for being good little fans.
I'm going to guess three.
Sure, New Vegas had four, three of which were actually pretty well done (Honest Hearts was a disappointment- started too late and ended too soon), but to me, three is the magic number.
Speculation of DLC subject withheld due to not knowing what we're getting into in the base game.
None, all content included in original release!
I'd say 3-5 since that's around fo3 and nv
theyre smaller than TES ones for the most part, so that seems to give them more shots in the DLC gun clip for FO
How do you think the (player-created) mods will affect Beth's DLC strategy?
I'm sure there will only be three big installments, with maybe 1 little one like Hearthfire or something.
Well, I hope it encourages the inclusion of new assets for modders to make use of. Mods can sell DLC as well when the DLC become requirements for some of the better ones.
You mean DLC CDPR ripped from the base game and then attempted to give away for "free" to make it look like they were being nice? I would rather them not. That was one of the most insultingly transparent market ploys I had ever seen.
To answer the OP's question though, we will likely get two big DLC like with Skyrim. Todd Howard has said more then one they hated the Fo3 DLC development cycle, describing it as hectic, with multiple teams constantly having to switch off between DLC just as one came out.
I do suspect we will get some small features in patches between DLC, like how Skyrim got horse combat, and killcams for magic and archery, in patches.
I almost wonder with console mod support if we will see much larger dlcs and fewer of them. Personally, I always like to see more land mass, since that means they usually end up doing something very neat within that self-contained space. If we see more ambitious dlc I'm going to guess we'll get 2. If we will be getting solid dlc like we did with Dragonborn and Shivering Isles, then I'm guessing we will get two smaller dlcs with those additions, for a total of 3.
The base game is going to destroy my life so I shudder to think what the dlc will be like.
I really liked the DLC model in Skyrim; one big DLC that mostly adds to the main game, another big DLC that adds a new landmass, and a small, cheap DLC that adds a little "slice of life" content.
I am thinking this time around there will be none and most of the team are then off to work on TES:VI, since that crowd are hungry for a game as well. Since mods are least coming to the X1 and possibly the PS4. I heard that one of the developers stated that even after 400 hours of game play new things are found so that tells me there is a lot of content in the base game.