I have had quite a few encounters with 2 dragons, enough to know it's possible and not all that rare. Today though, when I exited the Jarl's longhouse in Falkreath, I saw that the guards had their bows out and my compass showed a faded dot moving very quickly. Initial thought? Oh there is a dragon. I look up and sure enough, there he is. So I start prepping my character for a fight, summon an antronach to do some tanking, quaff a few potions to increase my resistance and marksmanship when suddenly the ground shakes and you hear that resounding THUMMMP! behind you. It was another dragon. So I turn and run away (my guy doesn't like getting up close to dragons...or anybody for that matter) and as I'm running I look up and see the other dragon starting to come in for a fly by frost attack, when yet a third dragon lands on the top of the Alchemy shop and is looking right at me. Couldn't believe it.
So after lots of arrows and poisons, all 3 dragons went down, nobody died, and I was overloaded with Dragon bones and scales.
Next time, there had better be 4.
(for reference, it was an Elder, Frost, and Blood dragon, Master Difficulty, Level 42 Khajiit Cryptstalker).
To say the least, I had a very interesting lunch break.
EDIT: (and yes, I know about the typo in the title).