I wanted to put this out for discussion because it might be one of a few remaining areas that the forum community here may be able to effect on the finished game. Todd said that he was hunted by three dragons at one time and that was too many. They are debating between having about a one dozen dragon encounters and what Todd loosely described as limitless because they will randomly spawn.
I'd like to gather everyone's views here, seriously on what they would like to see.
Now, my two cents. I wouldn't mind having a few situations where my adventurer is in over his head. That is to say, the possibility of attracting multiple dragon's attention should be left in a very rare event. I think it would be very very very fun to have no choice but to run desperately for my life. Not all adventure fun is heroism ... Fallout had lots of great running away moments during my main character's playthrough.
The other side of this coin is that If I play +130 hours (it'll climb higher than that over time though). I'm going to want to have fought more than one dozen dragons. I was considering that it would be most pleasant to randomly encounter one dragon every 4 to 5 hours of play. That is to say, maintaining they're status as special boss monsters but then also getting some good exposure to what will likely be one the better features of the game. Brass tax, that means that in 130 hours I should fight between 26 -43 dragons. Plus the ones that are attached to quests.