No, not a knock on you, but rather on this entire thread. There is no set answer for any of this. What constitutes humor, quality of gameplay, the meaning of roleplay or the importance of any aspect of gameplay is highly subjective. I get it that some folks like the humor in FO2. I just don't understand why other folks don't get why I didn't like it. Both points are equally valid, IMO.
Edit: The "svcks for them" argument can be quite the show stopper, and could be applied (and has been...I should know, having done it myself) to any negative argument about FO3, just as well ans any negative argument about anything really.
If we had all the facts and definements, we wouldn't have anything to discuss

I understand why you may not like it, but I cannot understand why for someone like
Talonfire it was something that, judging by what he said, was a complete embarassment and seemingly gamebreaking, for him at least, each to their own sure, I just think it's a little extreme myself.
And you use that argument far more than I'd like, especially when I used to complain about the overbearing differences in FO3, I half expected you to pull me to one side on that one

But I guess it works in all aspects, and is a very cop out statement, but it's just humour, it's not an epitome gameplay, so forgive my flippant comment.