I never played any fallout game i never knew they existed until i heard of fallout 3 and i actually got fallout 3 by mistake but it turned out to be a great mistake unlike me =D lol
Yeah, I had never heard of it either until I first came upon FO3 in blockbuster. Just decided to check out if there was anything new and worthwhile to rent at blockbuster when I was getting movies. I actually hated it at first. It wasn't what I expected from the screenies on the box and I found it to be really slow going which I'm not used to. The box had screenies on it that made it look like a FPS with some real sweet enemies. The feral ghoul that is lunging(sp?) at the lone wanderer was what really sold me on renting it. Once I got out of the vault, leveled up, explored a bit and gave it a chance, I loved it and went out to buy it later that week.
Hah! Why did the mods move it here?? I think it was designed for FO3 players and thus would have recieved the correct feedback in the FO3 dicussion forums.
But to the OP, these polls can be pointlessly one-sided. In FO3 discussion more people will have played FO3 and nothing else. In series discussion you'll more likely find people who played all three.
I naturally have played all three, hence why I'm posting here in Series Discussion

Yeah I wanted to know, obviously, what FALLOUT 3 PLAYERS had played the other two games. Not sure why they didn't get that. I suppose it would be pretty one sided in the strictly FO3 forum as opposed to the series discussion where the people who
have played the whole series of games would be at. Idk, I guess it would fit in both really cause it could be one sided, with everyone in this forum probably having played more than one of the games, seeing as how they are in the
series discussion forum. Any way, the poll turned out well enough.