How many guns do you carry?

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:27 pm

4 early on in the game, then 3 through out most of it. However, I eventually scale down to 2.

Honestly though, the deliverer is such a powerful gun, I could probably get by with just it (and 10mm is plentiful and cheap anyways). If I could have that and a scoped pistol with a suppressor, I'd be set for life.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:47 am

I have my 10mm silenced and 50cal silenced sniper hot keyed on the up dpad. kellogs .44, double tap plasma sniper rifle, and a .38 rifle hot keyed to my right dpad. Stimpak, buffjet and radx hot keyed to the bottom dpad. And then stealth boy hot keyed to the left d pad.

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Jessica White
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:55 am

Overseer's guardian

2 shot Plasma sniper rifle

Explosive Combat Shotgun

Grenades (4-6)

Rad-x (2)

Rad Away (2)

Jet (1)

Psycho (1)

Stim Packs (0 weight so carry all)

X-01 Power Armor

Fusion cores (0 weight so carry all)

Red dress

Airship commander's hat

sharp left arm

sharp right arm

black rim glasses

You really don't need anything else...

I leave town with less than 85 weight and have a maximum carrying capacity of 450 + dogmeat's 150 or so pounds, not that I often need him.

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Tina Tupou
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:46 pm

Rice Krispies revolver
Two shot advanced silenced combat shotgun
Poisoned .308 silenced combat sniper rifle
Gauss rifle
Mines of all types.

And yes, i find situations to use all of them.

This is the sneaky snipy loadout. Armor is Silver Shroud, and later Courser armor. And Hazmat Suit for radioactive areas and the children of atom nutcases. It does not work as a diving suit :(
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:29 am

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Rex Help
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:47 am

3 - Kellogg's 44, Combat Shotgun tricked out with scope and sniper rifle tricked out

Of course lots of grenades and molotovs as well

Recently I've taken to carrying a missile launcher occasionally, but my companion usually ends up carrying it.l

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Calum Campbell
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:11 am

I should add I also carry the flare gun and 2-3 grenades. A carry weight of 50-65 is important with a 1 str, 1 end character.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:12 am

  • Deliverer (wish there was a better sight for it)
  • Combat rifle (Overseer's guardian unique weapon) silenced, modded for short/medium with reflex sight (dot)
  • Combat shotgun (Le Fusil Terribles unique weapon) max damage, silenced, reduce recoil and reflex sight (dot)
  • Combat rifle silenced, modded for short sniper, .308 reciever (double damage vs enemies at full health)
  • Hunting rifle silenced, modded for long range sniper with .50 cal reciever (chance to stagger on hit)
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:16 pm

I carry 3.

1 silenced 10mm pistol (Legendary of some sory, shoots 2 projectiles to the cost of one)

1 combat rifle (the one you can buy in Vault 81)

1 silenced sniper rifle (.50 cal)

So one for every occasion.

I used to drag around a combat shotgun as well but found I preferred to use the combat rifle also in close combat so I ditched the combat shotgun.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:41 am

It varies a bit for me, depending on ammo availability. I seem to run short on Shotgun Shells a lot.

Right now I have:

Combat Knife: For those panic moments. Don't know how to melee.

10mm pistol: Silenced and fully modded with all the fixings for close range sniper action, bugs, lights, etc.

Combat Shotgun: Nowhere near fully modded, but I love it.

Combat Rifle: .45 ammo is plentiful and I expect I'll be modding it. Right now it's fairly basic, but gets the job done when I'm out of shells for the shotgun.

Pipe Sniper Rifle: Fully loaded .50 with night vision scope (although it's pretty much daylight 24/7).

And then I usually have a companion carry a missile launcher for especially hairy situations. Usually I like to take care of business in a stealthy fashion, though.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:15 am

6 and 3 grenade types

10mm silenced Wastelander's Friend

Recoil compensated advanced combat rifle

Marksmen's advanced combat shotgun

.50 cal silenced marksmen's sniper rifle

Freezing triple missile launcher (which doesn't seem to freeze anyone)

Big Boy (legendary fat man)

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Joey Bel
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:35 pm

Generally two guns - my fully modified Gauss Rifle which is my "Distance"/outdoors weapon. And a fully modified Combat Rifle I used as more up close/indoors weapon. I tend to bring about 5 Fragmentation Grenades to the party as well, to bust up those obnoxious choke points.

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JD bernal
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:45 am

I carry 9, enough to fill my favorite slots on left, up and right.

Left: Laser Rifle with recon scope, laser musket, SMG with radiation damage

Up: Assault Rifle, Combat Rifle sniper modded out, Combat shotgun with bayonette

Right: 10mm Pistol, Plasma Pistol, .44 Magnum with fire damage

Down: Stimpacks, Rad-X, Radaway

Everything I need so far for any situation. I'm only level 33, only on the second story mission because I'm exploring all of the northern map.

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Jesus Duran
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:48 pm

Three. I have a very nice 10mm that I like, a shotgun and a missile launcher.

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The Time Car
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:42 am

I carry 8 weapons with me.

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Nana Samboy
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:16 am

You can mod a Bolt Action Pipe Gun (.308) to a pistol with a scope and a supressor. That's what I use to snipe with my Gunslinger char.

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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:39 pm

8 weapons, 1 melee.

Two shot 10mm, .50 sniper and .308 combat rifle are my main ones

Expl combat shotgun and .44 magnum and a combat knife

Last 3 are energy/heavy weapons. The experimental plasma rifle is a favourite with +25% fire rate.
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:17 pm

about the same as you, except I use an explosive .45 silenced submachine gun.

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Gill Mackin
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:08 am

Too darn many. a 10mm handgun (because it looks cool), the Deliverer (because it's higher in damage) and a bunch that take advantage of whatever ammo I have a lot of. Used plasma weapons till I ran out of ammo. I have a laser pistol and rifle but I had to abandon the laser musket due to ammo usage. I have a short combat rifle for the .45 ammo. I have a .308 sniper rifle as modded as I can get it. Saving up on .50 ammo. I have a lot of .38 ammo I can't really use, though I'm carrying around an autofire weapon to try (but my perks don't aim toward it so it's not that useful). The cryolater not a lot due to ammo limitations. I ususally carry around a melee weapon but don't use it much.

If we could break down and remake ammo in the forms we need or recharge energy cells it would really help with the clutter. Modifying the plasma rifle to use laser weapon ammo would help. Surely if we can make all these fancy weapons we can make ammo and those sorts of modifications.

I guess as far as "role" I'd say I need something to snipe from far away (lots of options but .308 is nice for damage and the laser rifle is nice for rapid fire at range). I also need something for when something surprises me (which is usually 10mm, .45 or laser pistol). I'm not sure what I need for those Deathclaws. I thought they were bad in FO3 but I was wrong, those must have been babies. I ran across a summer camp and was shooting some raiders when 2 deathclaws arrived (one an Alpha) which scared the bejeezus out of me. They didn't seem to be able to find me or see me so I was able to snipe them to death ... EVENTUALLY.

In some sense this game should be called "Ammo Management" rather than Fallout 4.
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:06 pm

  • Fully modded Overseer's Guardian for sniping
  • Fully modded combat rifle for general combat
  • Fully modded 6-crank laser musket
  • Fully modded gauss rifle
  • Fully modded laser rifle (legendary, something... "Faith")
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:39 am

I carry about 8-9 guns on me at once. which is probably kind of unrealistic:

1. Assault rifle. Not so great, never enough ammo for it, but fun to use

2. 10mm pistol with vats crits bonuses. my mainstay for most fights because i usually have a ton of ammo

3. Super sledge. for when things piss me off

4. Deathclaw glove/powerfist, for when i want to have fun

5. .44 revolver. Nowhere near as strong as it ought to be, really only a backup when the pistol ammo is low

6. six-crank laser musket. This is my most powerful gun by about a factor of three, it's stupidly overpowered. I try to avoid using it unless necessary

7. .50 sniper rifle with armour penetration bonus. Also nowhere near as powerful as it should be, worthless against anything serious, but good for 1-shotting low level raiders.

8. crit-enhanced laser sniper rifle. good all around, i mostly use this in combination with jet because it fires fast and accurately.

9. The Fat man. I rarely actually have this on me, my companion lugs it around unless i'm expecting a big fight.

There's a serious imbalance here, some of my weapons feel pitiful, and others feel too OP. i really want to see weapon rebalance mods for this game

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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:22 pm

I'm at level 24 and have had pretty much the same weapon line-up throughout, with a few mods here and there. Only one of them is legendary. And no big guns, too heavy. I have 71 ballistic damage resistance, 52 energy DR, and lots of stimpaks and healthy food, and I rarely need to use power armor during combat. I'm not much of a stealth shooter. Only use stealth for the sneak attack bonus.

10mm pistol -- uses very few AP, great for building up critical meter, modded to 31 damage (66 fire rate, 34 damage per second); can single-handedly take out average raiders, mutants, animals by itself in VATS, even legendary enemies if Dogmeat holds him still and/or I use critical strikes.

Pipe automatic rifle, .38 bullets-- 127 fire rate, modded and perked to 25 damage = 53 damage per second. Modded to superior recoil, short scope (which gives 88 accuracy), and 191 range. Almost like a snipe rifle, but can fire repeatedly. Only 24 rounds per clip though. Crappy for VATS, since it uses lots of AP. Great for real-time, medium-range shoot-out. Modded to great hip-fire accuracy as well for close combat.

Automatic combat rifle, .45 bullets -- modded and perked to 35 damage, 90 fire rate = 53 damage per second. I use this interchangeably with the one above. I switch to this when .38 ammo is low, and vice versa.

Pipe bolt-action snipe rifle -- modded to 55 damage, 112 accuracy, and 215 range. Good for one-shotting average enemies far away and standing still if I aim manually. Has armor-piercing, good for sniping turrets and robots as well. svcky VATS percentage. I use VATS only in the rare occasion that I need to snipe two enemies simultaneously, since my current AP allows two shots in VATS.

Automatic combat shotgun -- don't remember the exact stats nor where I found this gun, but it has an unmodded 80 damage, fires repeatedly, and has high accuracy. Originally came with medium scope, but I didn't need another long-range weapon. So I modded it with reflex sight for short range. When firing repeatedly (12 rounds per clip), its high damage can take down tough and fast enemies at close range like Yao Guai and radscorpions without VATS. I do have to conserve ammo, and buy shotgun shells when I can. 10-20 rounds may not be a lot for automatic rifles and pistols, but it is for shotguns.

Righteous Authority -- the only legendary weapon I have. It served me a bit in the early going, but now it pales next to my modded 10mm pistol with 31 damage.

Automatic Institute Rifle -- 25 damage, and similar stats to my other automatic weapons. I love automatic weapons, so I carry this one just to use my cell ammo.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:01 pm

1. Overseer's Guardian

2. The Deliverer

3. Le Fu... uh.. You know, The French shottie

4. Freezing 6 Crank Laser Musket Sniper

5. Alien Blaster

I gave Curie:

1. The Last Minute

2. Fatman

3. Spray and Play (Submachine with explosive rounds)

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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:10 pm

I equip 3 at most. Which ones varies depending on how my ammo stock is looking. Honestly I'm still experimenting (the guns feel good in this game!) but I have a few favourites.

Deliverance. Silenced pistol (changed from The Deliverer because that name svcks). Gives me about a hundred shots when using VATS.

Dirty Harry. It's exactly what it sounds like 馃榾

Ma Boomstick. Pretty much fully upgraded combat shotgun. Does 50% bonus damage against humans. Wrecks Raiders.

The Road Warrior. Bolt-action pipe rifle. First gun I started properly using and upgrading. Kind of outclassed now but I'm finding it hard to let it go.

Calibration. Dead-eye sniper hunting rifle. Named in honour of Garrus. Very heavy but more than worth it's weight. Head-shots from miles away.

Weird Alien Sniper (haven't thought of a name for this one yet). Fully upgraded plasma sniper rifle. Powerful. Very accurate. Disintegrating fools never gets old.

I don't use heavy weapons on this character. Maybe next time round.
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:18 pm

Answer: Too many

Handgun -- Suppressed Rapid-fire 10-mm (Just to have something to use 10-mm ammo.)

Melee -- Bladed Tire Iron (for killing pests like radroaches so as to not waste ammo)

Close Combat -- Suppressed Combat Shotgun (good for dealing with melee types like ghouls and Supermutant Skirmishers)

Energy attacks -- Fiery Laser Rifle (for when ballistics just can't get the job done)

^^ Everything modded to the best of my ability.

Sniping -- Suppressed "Relentless" modded Hunting Rifle (because it is oh so much better to kill them wwaaaayyyy over there)

Frag grenades -- for when you want to make a big impression on a small crowd or Deathclaw

Molotovs -- to give special targets a burning reminder of why not to mess with you.

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