Good I feel like such a gear fondler . . .
1: Big Jim, a legendary pipe wrench that has a chance to cripple legs
2.: Sgt. Schultz, a plain combat shotgun that I've modded to nearly max potential and does about 120 damage with my perks
3: "Springfield XdM," heavily modded silenced plain advanced receiver 10mm, for situations where I want to quietly kill things that have got too close
4: alternate between a legendary lazer of some sort that some bozo gave me and other "CQB" type rifles. My current preference is a .45 caliber rifle (semi-auto) non-legendary that does nearly as much damage as the shotgun and is used for intermediate to close range engagements (reflex sights).
5: alternate between "Wild Kingdom" (a fully modded non-legendary syringer with a recon sight) and a .308 fully modded non-legendary pipe rifle with recon sight.
6: my main weapon, .50 cal modded pipe rifle with night vision scope, fully modded of course . . .
7: fragmentation mines, usually I carry at least 4 sometimes 10 depending on the mission
8: molotov cocktails, again almost always 4 sometimes as many as 10
9: fragmentation grenades [as I accumulate more of the higher tier explosives I'll 'retire' the smaller booms and use strictly the bigger ones]
0: Big Boy, legendary mini-nuke launcher, I often do not carry it, but I had to reserve a spot for it for those special occasions when total overkill is called for.
-: PsychoJet
=: Stimpacks