How many hours did you put into morrowind

Post » Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:16 pm

I've played since the first day it came out and i want to know how many hours did you put into morrowind? I put over 15000 hours into it myself. With mods it makes more time for people to do what they need.

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Marina Leigh
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Post » Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:23 am

15000 hours??? :blink: That's equivalent to almost 2 solid years of doing nothing but playing Morrowind... no sleeping, no eating, no work, no school... nothing but playing Morrowind for 625 days. I realize that's spread out over the last 12 - 13 years, but still, that's amazing! :eek:

Personally, I have just under 1200 hours in the game. Some of that was spent trying/making/testing mods, but a good deal of it is actual in-game time.

15000 hours. That. Is. Incredible. :thumbsup:

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Claire Vaux
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