If you are in the same boat as me and would like some help saving time, then I recommend that you know about this cheat (which i didn't in the beginning):
and this cheat
as they will both save you a fair amount of time.
Other than that it should just be straight forward boredom in grinding up to level 22 and 30,000-ish gold.
Thanks again for all that time wasted whoever designed hearthfire! That was great!!
P.S. Don't reply saying I didn't have to play it. I'm obsessive and can't just sit here getting glitched out of all but two trophies. It would just look dumb and I couldn't deal with it.
P.P.S. My post is a solution of sorts to the problem. You guys at bethesda know full well that the land in the falkreath hold is glitched for TONS of players and have yet to even acknowledge that ur fixin it. Don't whack my angry post when this is something that should have been dealt with LONG AGO.