Hmm, perhaps. My idea with this poll was to see big numbers, but if it fails to spark interest (because of its blunt choices) maybe I′ll remake it.
I like my character, and the idea he′s really living his life in Cyrodiil. I may be a bit odd, but making characters all the time when I′ve already discovered most of the game has no point. That′s what made all but my first playthrough with most games boring; I already knew what was gonna happen. In this open game I can just as well continue with the one character I have
I think your poll is fine, but most of us are going to fall into the 0-500 bracket. I do.
My thing with the characters is the characters. Like you, I already know so much about the game that I rarely find anything new (although the AI sometimes still does something to knock me off my chair!

) So my interest is in throwing different people at different situations in the game, and seeing what happens. I don't keep making the same character over again and again (I know that some people do, but I don't.) My characters are people; they are different from one another, and they have different likes and dislikes. Some of them fit in and actually "live in Cyrodiil" like your character does. Some of them struggle and fight it all the way, and wind up in a Skooma Den. A couple of my characters couldn't take it, and committed suicide. Cyrodiil can be tough.
Mostly my characters tend to come into the world, and do whatever suits them. Sometimes that takes a character all the way through the MQ, or they become Archmage, or Arena Champion. A few have become little gods.
I just go along for the ride.