Fallout New Vegas: 304 Hours Played (Most hours played because under the influence of marijuana when I get home from work) Fallout 3: 241 Hours Played(Same as above)
According to Steam, 1848 hours. Although I often leave my game on when I go to sleep cause I get too lazy too shut it off. So that's probably not entirely accurate.
I know that I have spent much more time in Fallout 3, but its not registered with Steam so I have no idea how long that is. It tells me that I have spent 248 hours in the Mojave Wasteland.
I was deleteing some profiles yesterday and my fav char has rackd up 250 and average for other chars is 75 - 100hrs One of my char spend 1.5hrs in Goodsprings at the start, wonder what I was doing back then