Depends on the time period, the last two months - zero. Since the beginning of the year, <2 hours per week. In 2014 probably 10-12 hours/week.
I voted 10-20. But it varies. I have periods when I don't play at all. These periods can last up to a month or more. But sooner or later I get my enthusiasm for games back. During these periods I can play between 2 to 6 hours a day.
I voted both 10-20 and 20-40. Most of the time I'm in the 10 to 20 category, but I do have those rare weekends when I'll have all-day marathon gaming sessions.
I can easily get 10 hours or more on a Saturday alone, assuming my kid's at a sleepover or whatever, and I have no other responsibilities. That 10 hours will roll past the 20 hour mark as I game throughout the rest of the week.
10-20 most likely, with 20-40 peaking when one of my favorites is launched.
I clicked 20-40 hours. I usually get a few hours in after my wife goes to bed until I get tired enough to fall asleep too. Tends to be 4 - 5 hours most nights of the week.
These days, 10-20. Mainly because not having a lot of free time. Even still though, it can vary. Like right now I've sort of hit a rut when it comes to games to play, as I'm just playing older games I've played plenty of before while I wait for new releases so I'm not putting many hours into it. However, when I finally get my hands on those new games, I see a lot of hours getting put into gaming again.
Man. I don't even think I'm a gamer anymore. I play games maybe for an hour a week. Maybe.
Apart of me has just lost interest in games all together.
I voted 10-20 but lately it seems like less than 10. I fear my age is the cause of this not the lack of good games for the One.
A solid 25, with ups and downs. I love me gaming and my backlog is huge.
Under 10, don't have the time like I used too.
Well, say 4 hours a day, makes 28 hours a week - or close to that...more or less.
I voted 20-40 but there are weeks I'd have to say 10-20.
It depends how much TF2, or it's players, annoy me that week. (Valve has ruined TF2 for me in many ways but I enjoying playing with the people I have been playing with for years. I like the social aspect more than the game itself these days.)
it varies.. some weeks I don't get any gaming in (either cause I am out of town, or Marathoning some Anime). some weeks I get a few hours in, and on a few occasions I game for 30 hours in a single session
Although I haven't turned on a console in a while, I generally play 60+ hours per weeks: 5+ per day and most of the weekend.
Right now, I'm watching anime, so I put gaming off for a bit.
When I was younger(and not disabled) my answer would have easily been 50+, I'd game at least 6 hours a day, and those were on days I worked, on days I had off, if I didn't have a party to go to I'd spend the entire weekend sitting in front of my console or PC, easily 12 hours or more a day. Nowadays though, my gaming is limited to 1-3 hours a night, right before I go to sleep while I'm laying in bed, and honestly I probably skip at least half the time on playing in favor of more sleep. Kinda svcks because I love video-games, and I love playing them, but my back prevents me from sitting at my computer like I'd use to, and my wife/kids take the TV(none in our room) in the livingroom so I can't play while laying on the couch. So....yeah, handheld gaming only nowadays. Though if I could find a way to get my hands on pillars of eternity, I think I'd happily burn through several of my percocets and double my dose of tramadol so I could stand sitting in my chair for a few hours to play it.
I'd be lucky to get 5 hours/week in *sigh*
My weekly gaming time is very variable depending on work and other hobbies. The average must be somewhere between 5 and 10 hours.
Like Pseron said, it varies for me, too. On average, I'd say about 40-60 a week. I have lots of time on my hands, so between video games, reading books, and watching DVD's, my time spent playing video games can vary