I like the variety of enemies in Fallout 4 but there isn't as many as in Skyrim.
I like the variety of enemies in Fallout 4 but there isn't as many as in Skyrim.
Jetpack/power armoured enemies should have allready been in the game.
anything else would be chinese ghoul spy exiles (perhaps a faction rather than enemy), deadlier war bots (tank sized), mutated plant life (with a man eating forest or swamp to accommodate), more insects, brotherhood outcasts, Centaurs, floaters, wanamingos, robobrains, bad luck dog, talon company mercs. Hell, lets just make up stuff.
we wont really know
im hoping for the sea of tranquility every time is see the moon in fallout. Perhaps the survivors memory's of the battle were frozen until he goes back to memory den and the doc fixs him. The moon battle could be the prequal to the begining of the game.
ah lets see
Centaurs, Robobrains, nightkin and 4 other new enemy types.
So 7.
you cut off the rest of my post, / doesnt mean and it means with. jetpack/ powerarmoured enemies are not in the game. you dont see humans with flying abilties in the game. the only way that would be possible is with jetpacks
1, and his name is Gary!
Seriously though, I'd like to see the return of Centaurs, Floaters, Nightkin, and Wanamingos. Probably wont happen though.
I thought there would be more variety both in way of bad guys & weapons. Maybe they intend to fill the void with the DLC... and lots of it.
I'd like more different human foes, like tribal warriors, a human ghoul group with special abilities, cannibals and so on.
Maybe some uh...robobrains, I like robobrains. You like robobrains? I miss robobrains. I think they're interesting, there's a lot in the game that we don't get enough in depth info on, and they removed robobrains, what for? What's the deal? What's the angle? You know who needs robobrains? Dead spouses, that's who. Sure they'd be pretty pissed at first but hey, robobrains ammairite?
Wouldn't mind a gutsy companion either, those guys are a riot, that's why there's a riot in patriotism.
Yeah I'm very surprised that Nightkin did not make it into the game, even more surprised that I'm only realizing that now. Centaurs too!!!
I'd like one of the DLCs to feature the NCR and/or The Legion.
i feel like giant mutated birds just be a fallout re-skin of dragons, minus the fire, maybe.
How about the remnants of Vault-Tec? Their secret lab where they kept all the top guys...probably some of them willingly mutated to become godlike in the post apocalypse.
Isn't the Vault-Tec HQ in DC?? I'm sure I remember going there in Fo3.
I don't see how I could not kill them with my bare hands. I didn't get that option with Father, he's a real pos.
and the vault-tec HQ in DC wasn't a research/development facility, I think i was just an office really.
It would be cool if a load of Vault-Tec employees are all holed up in a vault somewhere, maybe a special prototype Vault, maybe frozen like you were, that way there would be a 'faction' if you will of 'pre-war' people, there is some potential there somewhere.
If they're high up in vault tec, then I suspect they have done some pretty terrible things, like enclave level, bad, even worse, with fev, ROBOBRAINS(we could use some), idk...other stuff. they aren't good people.
I dunno, Robobrains were never really that iconic to me. We got Assaultrons instead who are much more deadly and seem to be quite popular in this game. I agree we should have some sort of water based enemies because water exploration is boring. Can you imagine walking at the bottom of the ocean in your power armour with zero visibility while suddenly a 30 foot mutated dolphin comes at you out of nowhere??? Creepy as hell. Or a Sea serpent.
Speaking of serpents, why no serpents in fallout games? They're just as creepy as any spider or radscorpion.
I'd also like to see more types of mutated/feral humans like the Swamp Folk from Point lookout, so maybe something in style of lovecraft with mutated fish-men ? Could make for an excellent occult/cosmic horror based DLC.
I won't argue with that. Dodgy B**TARDS to say the least. BUT..... Without them we wouldn't have a pip boy so...... Some good inadvertently came from their shenanigans!!
Nightkin are West coast mutants made by the Master.
NCR and Legion are mutually exclusive as NV ends with one or both getting beaten and also over 2,000 miles away.
There's a vault tech secret research base in Fallout:BoS but not sure if it's been classed as cannon or not. Would expect them to base it away from any targets and some place less likely to really be noticed so Boston doesn't fit it much.