How many people cannot play at all?

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:48 pm

After all my saves broke 2 weeks ago (all crash within 2 minutes of loading or at specific points in essential quests), I decided to give Fallout a break. Now I can't bring myself to start a new game only for it to become unplayable halfway through.

I hope most people are not having my as much trouble, but I am curious if there are other people who are experiencing a completely broken game? Again not having frame rate issues or a messed up repeatable quest, but the game absolutely cannot be played? I am on Xbox but this could be any platform.

Edit: I wanted this to be in the general topic forum as it is for all platforms.

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katie TWAVA
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:46 pm

Nope, and actually this has been the most stable FO game I have played. Sorry about your misfortune my friend :nod:

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:42 pm

Well im so happy for you bigcrazewolf but to call it stable is far from the truth at least for most of us, there is certain areas were its very unstable from crashes to framerate drops below 20....this issue is on all 3 platforms I have it both on xbox one and ps4 and I can say there is serious performance issues, not to metion all the bugs and its far from polished? ps Look im not wanting to deminize the game its my favorite game of all time, but its far from stable or perfect I just hope the support team gives us some good solid patches that improves this great game.

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Laura Ellaby
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