I was hit with the bug during the first week I had this game when it was released. I was 5hrs in...but, I didn't mind starting over again. I cannot tell you HOW FAR I AM IN THIS GAME at the present moment...but, let me tell you, I have tread some MAJOR ground. And just a while ago...even when I cut of ALL possible ways to auto-save, I was hit with the bug again and the ONLY save that worked was, you guessed it, the AUTO-SAVE. The other files after that would not load, but that file would load. So, I loaded and saved twice after it, and it seemed to have solved the problem. The new manual saves work now, but that is BESIDE the point. It's the fact that it happened again....AFTER that half-a$$ed update, which I thought was suppose to FIX what even caused the auto-save problem in the first place.
Will this be the last game I buy made by Obisidian? You better believe it! And I hate that because this game has been AMAZING so far. But, I swear before a box of m&m's, this is it. Now, it doesn't matter if I stop buying their games because someone will come and take my place. That is OK! But, should I lose my mind one day and buy another game made by Obisidian, I will do what I did with fallout 3, when I didn't even know a game called "Fallout" even existed: I will wait an entire YEAR after it has been released to buy it. By that time, there should be no excuse for it not be fixed by this. $60 is A LOT of money. Let me say that one more time: $60 IS A LOT OF FREAKIN' MONEY! Never again. Never EVER again.