» Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:54 pm
Got the bug again last night. I was wrong. The bug does not necessarily originate from something that occurs in the Maintenance Wing. This time, after speaking to various characters at Camp McCarran, I ventured off to kill Driver Nephi. The closest thing to s location was the dreaded Vault 3, which I had completely cleaned out except for Motor-Runner's gang in the Maintenance Wing. Remembering someone mentioning a lost Ranger, I decided to re-enter the vault, since I had run into him before but didn't know who he was and, at the time, the dialog led to no solution. Thankfully, I saved just before re-entering the vault. After speaking to the Ranger about his wounded leg, I left Vault 3 to go in search of a Doctor's Bag. From then on, the saves were corrupt. The pre-vault save is fine, though.
I wonder if people who are experiencing the glitch have something about their particular game- some item or timing of quest events- that makes them more susceptible to running into the glitch, or if it really is location/event based and could happen to anyone. I have number of friends who are well past me in the game, and they haven't run into anything.