» Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:12 pm
My first character...
Name: Kvothe
Race: Probably Breton, possibly Nord
Style: Balance between stealth, magic, and combat
Primary skills: One-handed, Light Armor, Destruction, Sneak, Pickpocketing, Enchanting, and not quite sure about my seventh primary (I know there aren't major/minor skills but I'm still trying to pick seven "primary" skills because it seems like as good a number as any). It'll could be either Illusion, Lockpicking, Smithing, or Restoration. If Speech is more useful than in past games, it will be my de facto 7th primary.
Other info: Based on the main character of Patrick Rothfuss's Kingkiller Chronicle. I chose my primary skills based on Kvothe's personality, talents, and life experience. For those who haven't read the series -- AND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT -- he's a young man studying science and magic at "the University." He studies artifacing, runes, simple magic binding, and the powerful magic of "true names." I figure Enchanting mostly covers the first two subjects, and Destruction mostly covers the other two. Kvothe also goes off and trains to become a master swordfighter with the Adem mercenaries, and eventually earns the title "King Killer" (presumably for killing a king, though thus far in the series no such thing has happened). So I'll use One-handed and Light Armor because those mostly reflect the fighting style of the Ademre. As a child, Kvothe's family were leaders of a travelling group of elite performers (I'd give my character musical skills if that were possible). But Kvothe's troupe was attacked and slaughtered, leaving Kvothe the only survivor. He went to live on the streets of Tarbean, a major city, where he learned that stealth and pickpocketing are useful tools for survival, thus my focus on these skills. Overall, he's a really well-rounded figure, and very appealing as a playable character. He'll use a longsword almost throughout the game, with either a shield, a dagger, or a spell in his other hand. I may do some duel daggers or duel spells in certain circumstances though.
And my second character...
Name: Taeron
Race: Altmer
Style: Mostly combat-oriented, but supplemented by a strong arsenal of spells
Primary Skills: One-handed, Heavy Armor, Illusion, Destruction, Alchemy, Smithing, and Alteration
Other info: This was my favorite character in Oblivion. He naturally has a great amount of magical potential, but by giving him combat-intense primary skills and playing style, he becomes a strong warrior in his own right. I'll probably do a lot of spell/sword duel wielding with this guy.
Haven't done any detailed planning for my other characters, but I'll probably do 8-10 total at least. My third character will most likely be a Dunmer, and my fourth an Argonian. After that, maybe a Redguard.