Just wanna take a look at how much of skyrim I really play compared to others. This should be interesting.
Just wanna take a look at how much of skyrim I really play compared to others. This should be interesting.
I think I passed the 10k mark not too long ago.
That many saves? Damn bro, mine is around 1500 and I thought I saved a lot.
You can still read the save number next to it if its not an auto save.
I'm severely OCD and paranoid when it comes to saves. My motto is: better safe than sorry, amplified two-fold lol. I save at least once once every 30 minutes. When it comes to quests, dialogue, etc... well... I save A LOT during important events. Events in progress will usually have multiple of the same saves just in case...
Then there's the saves where I "test" spawning hundreds of frenzied enemies in cities...
I save once every 10-15 minutes, I never used to be so saved paranoid until I lost 4 hours of progress the first time I was doing bleak falls barrow
I'm on save #200something, I think it's nearly 250 now.
I alternate two hard saves for each character and sometimes keep a backup for any important moments/decisions. I try not to let my list fill up too much so I clean it up every once in a while.
Currently, I have five (5).
Total number of saves I have made since release... I have no idea, nor is it relevant that I need to know that.
It's looking at those save menus that make me wish Skyrim had a system like Mass Effect or Dragon Age and have different character profiles and such. But my current "main" has about 250 saves on him.
Uh, I only have three.
One for quicksave, one for autosave and one regular.
You guys claiming to have more than 10k of 'em must surely be pulling my leg.
I'm confused. Are you asking how many saves I've accumulated in my entirety of playing, or how many I generally keep? If it's the latter, then two; one directly after I escape Helgen and another that acts as the current save.
Do you mean the number of save files or the number automatically added into save files name? I save far too often (Oblivion crashes teach me to do that) and my latest save file is called "Save 33382".
My latest save file is 1383. I only hard save after and before big moments. Clearing a dungeon, starting a quest, etc. I use wait then cancel swiftly for a ad-hoc quicksave on console. Which I use a ton.
Wow, some of you guys can't be serious, 10000+ saves? Damn, that takes dedication. I have around maybe 500 on all of my profiles combined.