How many septims do you currently have?

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:53 pm

this game DEFINATLY becomes more boring the more money you get.

one of the main reasons I start a new character is because of this.

I enjoy the scrounging, roleplaying aspects of being low level and poor.
Then you might enjoy my mod (if you're on PC), which has been mentioned a few times in this thread already. It has lots of features, all fully configurable, but most of them are made to make it harder to get rich. Among the most important features to keep you from getting rich too fast are:
Dynamic Barter Gold: Merchants don't have infinite gold, but receive/lose gold when you buy/sell items.
Haggle Overhaul: Where you can configure how good deals merchants will give you. I use hardcoe settings myself, where merchants only will pay me 0-50% of the value, and ask me to pay 300-500% of value when I buy things.
Item Removal: Where you can configure the mod to only let you find a certain percentage of what you normally find during looting. Ex, setting ringAdjustment to 20 will make you only find 20% of the normal amount of enchanted rings when looting containers or dead enemies.
Repricing: Reprices the buyable houses (you can set them up to cost as much as 10x normal), reduces the high values of enchanted loot, lets you reprice all services (to make training cost 10 times as much for instance)
House Taxes: Makes you have to pay tax for your houses. If you fall behind on the taxes, the local guards will close off your house until you pay what you owe them.
Illegal looting: Makes it illegal to loot guards or other non-evil NPCs. Also makes it illegal to loot containers in cities, or plants/containers belonging to farms.

Try playing with this, and you'll find it really hard to get so rich that it gets boring. :) The different features are configurable, so you can turn off the ones you don't like.
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El Goose
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:31 am

Camarilla currently have a mindblowing 19 septims. She's waaay to good at spending money, and the Goddess store is right around the corner from her house =)

I really only hoard loot to sell whenever there's something I want to buy. Other than that I leave the crap where it is. I also don't sell ingredients and potions, but rather stock them in my cupboard. I also don't sell magical weapons as she likes to collect those and have one for each occasion. If she ever decides to do some Spring cleaning I suspect she could raise around 3000. She's only lvl 5 and it's my first playthrough, so nothing is optimized.
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:24 am

i think all these mods have some realism function where, if the character is a lady, she always ends up spending 9,000% more than guys, ha ha ha, how funny am i....
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:52 am

i think all these mods have some realism function where, if the character is a lady, she always ends up spending 9,000% more than guys, ha ha ha, how funny am i....

Yes, but they're worth it. :wink_smile:

One of my female characters definitely goes against that trend. She's level 10, and still wearing the sack cloth prison suit.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:14 am

39th level Blademage - 500k
1st level Ranger - 5k
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:28 am

i think all these mods have some realism function where, if the character is a lady, she always ends up spending 9,000% more than guys, ha ha ha, how funny am i....

It's all about living the role =)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:34 am

Hey, a girl needs some bling - and it costs a lot of septims to look nice! :P

I mean what if you have to go to a , or ?

You can't just run around like a wood nymph all the time!
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:09 am

Hey, a girl needs some bling - and it costs a lot of septims to look nice! :P

I mean what if you have to go to a , or ?

You can't just run around like a wood nymph all the time!

Depending on who throws the party or owns tha castle, the less you wear the better :)

But really, I dont think any of this, I'm just bs'ing a lot for the hell of it.
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:54 am

over... 9000.

:rofl: That never gets old. Anyway somewhere around 112000 septims.
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An Lor
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:45 am

Hey, a girl needs some bling - and it costs a lot of septims to look nice! :P

I mean what if you have to go to a , or ?

You can't just run around like a wood nymph all the time!

Hopefully, Buffy will teach Angel a few things about clothes. She has worn that same black robe and hood seemingly forever. At first, she would wear hideous combinations of cloths thinking she looked great.

On topic, Angel recently wandered near enough to a town to visit civilization. Discovering the 100k in her purse, she bought the house in Cheydenhall along with all the trappings. Money means nothing to her but it does provide a medium of exchange so she can distribute a few of her exotic potions to people. She is an Alchemist by profession and an artist by inclination.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:43 pm

First char: 200 septims (earnt honest)
Latest char: 12k (earnt honest)
Current char: 86 mil (duplicated)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:06 pm

My three best characters:

Level 31 Nord Agent: 1.1 million (Thank you Rockmilk Cave)
Level 30 Dunmer Mage: 150k (I never knew about Rockmilk until my Nord Agent)
Level 40 Breton Mage: 50k (I had a lot before I bought all the houses and fully upgraded them)
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Ria dell
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:32 am

Current amount of septims: 1468

Just need them to charge weapons as using soul gems is too satanic for Lothran. When using someone to charge his gear he figures they have other means to do it than souls in gems
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:01 am

I use the living Economy Mod ... I used it till yesterday night with the cuttrouth prices ... So not that much a couple of hunderd I guess on it's best ... Havn't been venturing much in caverns and the like yet ... And I am now trying to reach the level 20 barrier ...
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:31 am

Buffy currently has about 7K . . . again. Everytime she goes above 10K, it seems she gets a knock on her door from Count Bravil's darn property tax collector demanding another 5K. It pees her off - its only a small house after all. . . but I'm actually glad for it. Otherwise she wouldn't even bother to pick up scrolls to sell. She only has base strength of 30 at level 20 to make carrying loot harder, but cash is still too easy to get without some creativity. We find this actually works quite well without boosting the small number of mods we use.

We use the PC command console to delete gold, but this can also easily be done by selling her awesome bow of doom to a merchant for 800 and buying it right back for 5000 a few times. Lol.
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Anna S
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:00 am

I think about 30k on my main..
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:29 am

Hmm, on my "retired" character a few million. On my soon to be retired character probably a little over a million. I would have more but I insist on having at least one set of every kind of armor, weapons, books, etc. After I get that and buy all the houses money just starts to stockpile. It gets to a point where I don't even loot stuff anymore cause I'm so rich I don't need it to sell and if it's something to collect I already have it :shrug:
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:55 am

Hmm, on my "retired" character a few million. On my soon to be retired character probably a little over a million. I would have more but I insist on having at least one set of every kind of armor, weapons, books, etc. After I get that and buy all the houses money just starts to stockpile. It gets to a point where I don't even loot stuff anymore cause I'm so rich I don't need it to sell and if it's something to collect I already have it :shrug:

Yep. That's why we tip (bribe) all the stablehands, often sleep in inns (and tip well), buy every strawberry and sweetroll from all the merchants and only pick up stuff that weighs about 0.1 to sell.
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:17 am

My current Assassin is now at about 950,000, which is by far the most of all my hundreds of characters. I am finally trying to join the Million Septim club that I see a few people on here have attained. It is a good way to keep me motivated to play her instead of making a new type which is common occurence for me, thus the hundres of characters.
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Lori Joe
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:34 am

I was trying to cheat myself a few billion gold out of boredom but I ended up with -2147483648 gold instead. (Now i want to know is why the developers went with a signed integer for the gold count)

Without cheats I have about 1.5 million gold. (I sell everything that isn't one of a kind.)
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:25 pm

I was trying to cheat myself a few billion gold out of boredom but I ended up with -2147483648 gold instead. (Now i want to know is why the developers went with a signed integer for the gold count)

Without cheats I have about 1.5 million gold. (I sell everything that isn't one of a kind.)

Forgive me if perhaps I don't fully understand the question. If you're asking about positive and negative gold values, I'm quite thankful for them. Every time my character has more than 10K, I use the command console to remove gold down to 5K (simulating her property tax). I imagine if I were, for some reason, to remove more gold than she has, she would have a negative balance?

As far as why one might want to limit a character's gold, it's an RP thing. It makes no sense for my simple elf from Bravil to be as rich as a noble. :)
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:28 pm

Camarilla is back up to around 3000 now, with a lot of hard work and no time spent in towns lately! On the other hand, her Waterfront shack closet is pretty much overloaded with latest fashion in Cyrodiil, as is the jewelry chest =D

She can't seem to keep enough gold stacked together to afford the move to Skingrad she's been eying. However, now that she's been to Cheydinhall she is considering a move there instead as it's pretty sweet too. Or maybe she'll move into the Marie Elena now that Tussaud is out of the way and it's free, but there are dead pirates littered on the floors. So many options, so little time, what with the Oblivion gates opening, the Arena Hero status and the random adventuring and model work for the Fighter's Guild.
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:22 am

About 450k+.Modded game,sell alot of loot.sold a coupla pieces of enchanted gear worth over 125000.have a coupla armor mods i enchnted that are now worth over a million.havent sold them yet.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:46 am

Well, in my case, the merchants are modded to have a lot more gold and at high Mercantile no longer rip me off, so I get full value for almost everything. As a result, at high levels I can get from 150-250K from one fort or ruin, and about 80-100K from caves. The largest Marauder forts can net me up to 300K, although anything over about 270 is fairly rare. Oblivion gates also pay in the 200K+ range, although their extreme size compared to spawn density tends to make them a slog.

Are there any good mods that do the reverse (make everything more expensive and give you less gold for loot)?
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:59 am

Several, and you can get taxed on your houses, and/or current wealth by some of them. Check out, which probably has the most configuration options of all of them. You should be able to set that up to suit any rate of income.

Recently, I've been following Acadian's lead with a low-strength character, and find that the inability to carry much loot is a significant help in avoiding wealth! I'm not letting her use any Feather help, either.
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