Doesn't anybody use Living Economy?
I'm at lvl 7 now and have more gold than ever before, a whopping 8000 Septims. Maybe I'm not fighting the right creatures, but I really don't find that much sell-able loot. The expensive stuff I do find is too expensive for any merchant to buy, and I'm not about to sell a 10,000 Septim necklace for 1,500. I'm at 55 in Strength and can carry quite a load, but I'm certainly not getting rich fast. I just learned that the house in Cheydinhall is 70,000 Septims!!?? Holy mother of .... I'll never get my hands on that kind of gold, what with all the hot clothes and armors I have to buy as well.
Living Economy is seriously outdated, and has been more or less replaced by Enhanced Economy, which is excellent. I (as well as pretty much everyone I've ever read a post by) find it superior to Living Economy in every way.
Lightweight, configurable, it's great.
I'm level 40ish, somewhere around 1 million. That's a recent development though, I can pretty much steamroll my way through anything (within reason) at this point, and high level enchanted jewelry is fairly common, so.
For the first twenty levels or so, I'm usually pretty broke. Buying arrows, repair hammers, spells and ingredients to increase Alchemy for poisons keeps me on the verge of the poorhouse (I use one of the options in Alchemy Advanced to make user made potions worth practically nothing, too unbalancing otherwise--even for me).