but she can always resort to senseless violent murders to rob her 'fateful wictims'. And feel great about it, yesn't

Heh. Buffy certainly has a dark side, but she is not into senseless killing. Here is some insight on what makes her tick:
* * *"And what of you Buffy? Your skills and euipment attests that you are no stranger to killing."
"I have a doctrine that I live by," I replied looking up from the crimson Tamika's in my goblet. "It's written in blood."
"A doctrine that tells you when to kill?" Aradroth flashed a smile. His look of boredom was now one of mild amusemant. "I'd love to hear it."
I recited The Buffy Doctrine: "If you are kind to me, I will love you dearly; if you are mean to me or my friends, I will likely kill you."
The assassin arched an eyebrow. "Buffy, what a deliciously fascinating creature of contradictions you are!"
"I have learned to survive in a harsh land, and I lay no claim to goodness." Defiantly returning his gaze, I continued, "killing with my bow is exhilarating, and I do not apologize for that. When my friends are threatened, I freely admit to rage, vengeance and even cruelty. I - I simply do not kill innocent people."
With a soft ring, the touch of our silver goblets signaled a truce - or at least an understanding.
* * *