obviously we know very little but regarding full on side quests how many do you think we'll get? or hope to get? hopefully more than Fallout 3 which didn't have a huge amount in the base game.
obviously we know very little but regarding full on side quests how many do you think we'll get? or hope to get? hopefully more than Fallout 3 which didn't have a huge amount in the base game.
That's...Well, that's not an easy number to crunch. I like a healthy amount of side quests and unmarked quests. New Vegas did that pretty good. I wouldn't want to put a number to it on a hard line, because I'm not one to say no to more quests.
skyrim had like 300+ quests all together give or take, not counting dlc or radiant quests and fallout 4 has twice the assets so i'm expecting a lot of quests in fallout 4, that gives you a lot of replay value because you have so many to choose from you don't need to do all the quests for each playthru making each playthru different, i can't say how many sidequests, but overall quests i would expect over 300, each town and faction will have quests, then various npc quests, main quests and just random quests.
Depends on what you mean by 'side quest'. Are you talking fully fleshed-out quests like Those! or are you including little stuff like disarming the bomb in Megaton?
I'm expecting a little over the amount skyrim had, not counting radiant and unmarked quests.
I don't want to quantify it in terms of "oh, this game has 2,000 side-quests" because that doesn't really say anything about the content of the quests. Like, people always post charts comparing the amount of quests in 3 to New Vegas, and it always seemed dishonest to me to portray it like that; most of Fallout 3's named quests were fully formed, while New Vegas included named quests for almost anything (and lots of simple fetch quests).
I want three to four times the number of quests we were offered in Fallout 3. Fallout 3 was anemic, when it came to quests. By my count, Fallout 3 gave us 1 main quest, 17 side quests and 22 unmarked quests. That is not nearly enough. Not for a Bethesda game.
Fallout 3 was amazingly piecemeal with it's quests, and had a lot of potential for more. Granted I enjoyed exploring the DC Wasteland enough to make up for it, really.
The Mojave was too...flat and linear...
Between Fallout New Vegas example and what Bethesda did in Skyrim, I expect there to be a lot.
Not to mention considering just how high a bar that DA:Inquisition and Witcher 3 set.
I mean with the F4 map being effectively bigger and denser than Skyrim (no mountains and the like and the ruins of a major city rather than a lightly populated northlands), they will have to have more quests than Skyrim.
Plus they had more time than they did with Skyrim.
I'd really prefer they focus more on the quality of quests than quantity. Honestly, I didn't like the quality of most of Skyrim's quests and I felt like the quantity didn't make up for that at all.
Exactly, there is a big difference between a huge quest like Wasteland Survival Guide and a quest to kill X molerats or find a certain item in a dungeon and bring it to the questgiver. Also even big quests in Skyrim were too linear, you hardly ever got to make a choice. Multiple ways to do a quest make it so much more enjoyable imo. It's good to have some filler but the balance should be towards branching multi-stage quests, if it means there are not quite as many of them than so be it.
How it is in the actual game, we'll see soon.
DAI didn't have a single side quest. Unless you count the explorable areas and their stuff as side quests. Which I suppose you could. But not in the same vein as DA2 or even DAO. Real side quests with cutscenes and memorable characters and everything is something I really missed.
I'd be perfectly happy if it has the same amount of content as Skyrim, took me forever to get through it and I'm pretty sure there are still a few things I haven't done.