How many skills are enough?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:33 pm
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:27 am

Bosmer Ranger:


Light Armor

Trained, used but no perks taken:
Illusion (Muffle until I got the sneak perk, Rally for companion)
Conjuration (Soul Trap)
Lockpicking (who doesn't pick locks? ^^)
Restoration (healing purposes)

Thinking about putting the perk points I got left in Conjuration, One-Handed or Restoration.
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:54 am

Herren, Breton Crusader, lvl 17:

Two-Handed: Specializing in War-Hammers, and most of the perks so far have gone into this skill.
Smithing: Heavy Armour perks, but I will only go up to Ebony.
Enchanting: Specializing in the Armour perks.
Alteration: Going to get Magic Resistance.
Restoration: Getting most of the "low" ones.

Heavy Armour: Only the first one and it's ranks because I'm wearing robes instead of body armour.
Block: A few spare perks in this skill.
Illusion: Probably no perks here, only used for Courage.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:08 am

For me it's currently:


Two Handed
Heavy Armour
Speech (For the Investor perk + Riverwood Trader.)

Based on skill distribution at least.

But I'd quite like to try out a sneaky illusionist someday.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:21 am

how do you have the perks for all those? i got 2-handed, heavy armor, smithing, and enchanting (a balancing mistake i now regret...) and i still cant get all the perks i want by 50.

I never take any dual casting or mastery perks. Sneak I only need the first perk 4 or 5 times plus the x6 bonus. I focus on fire and shock and have those two elements 50% better. Illusion I have all so far except the frenzy and fear perks. 1 handed I really only need the first perk and I've perked it 3 soon to be 4 times.and conjuration I've went the atronach way and put 1 perk in mystic binding. And I've taken most alteration perks except the resist magicka. I've also went up to expert on all of the schools except restoration. And smithing I've taken all but daedric and dragon. (not sure if ill ever take those. Ebony sword looks SO badass)

I find with this build I can literally handle any situation and that is what I want. Plus I need to strategize before going into battle and when a situation is difficult I use summons mixed with paralyze (love this spell)

The toughest enemies so far for me have been falmer shadow masters. These guys ARE so tough! Along with Briarhearts and some of the Hagraven.

EDIT: Plus, I only have fifty health and most falmer and forsworn can 1 shot me. Thank god for summons and shouts. *cough* become ethereal

Keep the builds coming I love hearin em!
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:01 am

conjuration hunter:

1h going the sword rout
bow: taking almost all perks
conjuration: I take the left path for atronach (love summons) and the right one for less mana
light armor: don't know if I'm gonne max this
smiting: only the light path (the shortest and I wear light armor)
enchanting: only the armor path.
Sneak: 1 point in sneak then up to sneak bow attack, all I really need :)

Edit: forgot that I've put some points in sneakedy sneak
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