How many skills are enough?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:26 am

How many skills do you guys specialize, or put the meat of your perks, in?

For me, I think generally around seven or eight. Ip try to go for a nightblade who HEAVILY uses magic to stay hidden, cause some damage, buff up and conjure.
1-H (only invested a couple perks but I still rely heavily on stealth kills and when things get hairy)
Conjuration (LOVE IN THIS GAME but I try not to OP it)
Alteration (I like I just wish dragon hide lasted a little longer and alteration in general had more utility spells)
Destruction (no real problems here, I'm lvl 52 and still use chain lightning and fireball along with the wall)
Illusion (love using muffle n invis along with calm and frenzy, as lvl 51 I now have to cast master spells so they work, so just simply go invis n cast em)
Sneak (didn't need to invest many points as I use a sword and wear robes, but it's EASILY my most used skill)
Restoration (haven't used much but I like some of the spells and I'm getting to a point where I have perks and won't know what to do with them, soi thought I'd give this a shot)
Smithing (mainly to bring in money and I love crafting)

So I focus on around 7 skills with a possible 8th.

What do you guys specialize in? How many skills do you guys focus on? Post your builds and skills here I'm interested to see!

P.S. I know my build is funky but it's extremely fun and difficult. Definitely a glass cannon and worth it. It's very rewarding and not OP at all since I don't use enchanted weps, only some clothing. Only 150 health at level 52!
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:37 am

I only focus on 3. Sneak, Archery, and One Hand with a focus on swords.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:27 pm

I only focus on 3. Sneak, Archery, and One Hand with a focus on swords.

No armor? What happens with ur other perks?
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Wayne W
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:40 am

No armor? What happens with ur other perks?

I wear Light Armour, but I haven't put any perks to it. Just those 3, and I think Lockpicking, but just the first.
Im going to focus on other skills once I max these.
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:31 pm

On my current character I only use a handful of skills.

Heavy Armor

I also use a very minute amount of magic ( a heal spell and the two starting Destruction spells). I rarely use the spells so I don't include them in my build list.

Most of my skill points are in Shield and Heavy armor to improve blocking and Armor rating, but I did put a few points in 1-hand to up the damage a bit. I currently use a dwarven sword and shield as well as dwarven curaiss and helm, the only piece I am missing are the boots. I also have a dwarven Bow to complete the set. Most of my healing comes from potions that I find or purchase but I usually don't buy to many potions.
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:08 am

i focus on conjuring, destruction and alteration. thats it. i rely on shouts to keep me alive (become ethereal is AMAZING) and my dremora to take and deal the brunt of the dmg. alteration to keep me alive in case i take a hit and destruction for obvious reasons. what i did was get the bound weapons perks first then leveled/perked destruction till i got my conjuring high enough to cast atronachs. only then did i focus on conjuring (i didnt wanna cheat with soul tap and ruin the game)

illusion i only use for the quiet casting perk.

for healing i use potions. i like to buy potions to give the merchants more gold so i can sell to them and, in turn, buy more potions/items later ad sell more later. its a cycle... i found that as long as i had a steady flow of income from items i can sell, it works better. when i sued resto to heal myself, it broke the cycle and selling items to broke merchants is no fun.

i dont use enchanting, smithing or alchemy. arch mage robes and accessories are good enough to where i dont need to improve them and since i wear robes, i dont need smithing. i also dont need alchemy as i only use hp/magicka potions and u can buy those.

everything else goes to speech for bribery, intimidation and persuasion perks and sneaking/pickpocketing for fun.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:41 am

-Light Armor
-One-Handed (blades)

That's what I'm using the most and where the perk points have been going. May need to toss a few perk points into Enchanting later on as the skill has creeped up to 40 from just disenchanting items.
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:00 am

Just started a new char. One-handed. Smithing. Heavy armor. That's all I need. If I, at some point, have chosen all perks I want from those, I might put some points into block. (if it actually makes blocking with a two-handed weapon better).
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Ann Church
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:31 am

1 handed
light armour
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:54 pm

how do you have the perks for all those? i got 2-handed, heavy armor, smithing, and enchanting (a balancing mistake i now regret...) and i still cant get all the perks i want by 50.
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:59 am

For me, my main skill is Restoration while I'm also perking up Sneak, Conjuration, and Destruction (Frost).
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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:53 am

Good question.

I'm doing 4.

2 primaries and 2 secondaries. (archery/one hand & sneak/smithing)

Primaries get first dibs on every perk, if nothings open then I'll pick one of my secondaries. If nothing is open in any of them, I'll just save it until there is.(which isn't very often because I mostly only use those skill)

After I get what I want out of those, I'll spread the love around.
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sam smith
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:44 am

Scalebane (Lvl:47 Barbarian)

Two Handed
Light Armor

Janus (Lvl: 28 Assassin)
One Handed
Heavy Armor

Slyde Snowcrown (Lv;: 12 Mage)

Will take either Archery or One Handed for non Summon Damage
(Would love to have Destruction, but I don't plan on doing the "gear up to 0% majicka cost since it seems cheesy and otherwise, it seems really weak)
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Markie Mark
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:16 pm

I've focused on One-Handed and Light Armor. I've taken some Perks in Block, Sneak, and Destruction. I'm playing a Warrior/Adventurer that drifts into Spellsword territory at times.

My Thief will be all about Sneak, Lockpicking, and Pickpocket. Maybe some Archery and Light Armor as well.

My evil Mage is going to Perk up in most of the magic skills.

Then I'll have a Nord that's loosely based on Conan, and he's going to be a Two-Handed guy, with some Heavy Armor.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:00 am

My lvl 27 nord warrior uses:
2h, heavy armour, smithing (all heavily perked) also sneak, speech and earlier in the game I used destruction a bit but now only use shouts. Very few perks used in those last skills.
I'm not using enchanting at all because whilst I am making and improving my own weapons and armour I don't want to get op at this point. I'll probably play around with it when I've finished the quest lines.
I only use potions for healing and never buy them, I just pick them up/steal them whenever I see them and I've got more than I know what to do with.
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James Wilson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:57 pm

I did one with the following:

Main skills:

you don't need sneak when you got illusion, invisible ftw.

use archmage cloth with:
head: circlet with alteration + restoration
necklace: illusion + restoration
ring: conjuration + alteration
glove: one-handed + archery
boot: one-handed + carry weight

stas (magicka, health, stamina): 3:4:2 ratio, heavily depends on restoration to regen stamina. but once you have that perk you pretty much have unlimited stamina.

play style:
* one hand conjured sword is your main weapon whole game
* alteration for extra armor and detect life (very useful, use detect life to spot where is enemy and turn on invisible and do sneak attack), end game you get paralyze which is quite overpowered
* illusion rage or calm ftw. calm is quite good that you can pretty much walk up to your enemy and do sneak attack
* conjuration for your sword and extra dps from summon
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:35 am

My major skills for the moment are archery, sneak, and light armor.
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El Goose
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:10 am

Level 47 Redguard huntress (because the Bosmer looked hideous and pure ugly):
1. Archery 100
2. Sneak 100
3. Heavy Armor 70 (planned for Light, it just turned out this way).
4. Smithing 100
5. One Handed 60?
6. Block 60?

These are generally the ones I take perks from, but obviously I'm skilling up other skills as well as I use them.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:45 am

One-handed weapons, Heavy armor, Block, Archery, Smithing, and Enchanting.
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:32 pm

Conjuration, Illusion, Archery, One-handed, Alchemy and Sneak.
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Wane Peters
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:09 am

Major skills:
Archery, Sneak

Minor skills:
Pickpocket, Speech, Alchemy

Pickpocket is actually my highest skill, but I barely put any perks into it, hence minor. I was planning on perking Light Armor, but then I realized I never get hit, so that would be a waste of points.
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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:29 am

one-handed (swords)
heavy armor
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:04 pm

- One-handed.
- Sneak
- Lockpicking
- Archery
- Light Armour

- Blocking (to a lesser extent)
- Restoration (to a lesser extent)

- Khajiit
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:52 pm

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Tyler F
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:20 pm

One Handed, Block, Heavy Armour are my main focus,

Secondary Restoration, Smithing, Lockpicking .... thou not intentionally except for restoration.
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Ross Zombie
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